Here’s what an actual doctor says about that Hillary collapse video and it’s not good – IOTW Report

Here’s what an actual doctor says about that Hillary collapse video and it’s not good

Our pal Dr. Milton Wolf offers his opinion

I’ll say it again, whatever your politics, say a prayer for. These are serious matters and you deserve to know the truth. – Dr. Milton Wolf

30 Comments on Here’s what an actual doctor says about that Hillary collapse video and it’s not good

  1. Coumadin is a powerful blood thinner. So much so that just brushing your teeth can easily cause bleeding. This means a simple fall could result in significant external and/or internal bleeding. So why is she on it? Because the risk of internal potentially uncontrolled bleeding is better than what her actual problem is.

  2. The photo where she is being helped up the stairs is actually from this past February. We were not privileged to see it until August.

    Also, as was commented on elsewhere, she is not wearing any heels. When did she stop having the balance to wear heels?

  3. EVERY word from the Hillary camp is a lie. Those people are opposed to any truth whatsoever. If voters still support this candidate with so many potentially fatal conditions, and looking at the village idiot in #2 slot, they are hopelessly brainwashed. I only hope their zeal for Hillary will be tempered with common sense for our nation’s well being. NO GOOD can come from her in the White House again.

  4. I’m thinking Dr. Wolf may be considering another run at public office, so he needs to be polite about Hilary’s condition. I don’t have that burden, I hope she experiences a living hell for the rest of her days and then once she has taken her last breath makes a forever trip to where the sun don’t shine.

  5. Pneumonia is one of the main symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. As the Parkinson’s goes into it’s late stages the person’s ability to swallow becomes impaired resulting in the person aspirating liquid into the lungs and creating pneumonia.

  6. what would be horrible is if poor sick hillary is pushed by soros so hard to win the presidency that she ends up having a massive stroke and becomes a bedridden incontinent but still vocal geriatric who gets fed through a tube and defecates in her sheets, living out her many mature years in a nursing home.

    that would suck….. for her, just saying.

    imagine bill spending the rest of his life waiting on her every need.

    who’s going to spend the foundation monies?

    do you think chelsea’s hubby only married her to graft money from the clintons? now that’s a funny thought.

  7. Fur, can you please make a note when you’re linking to those assholes at TRS. Those people are the deplorables and I will never go to their bigoted site without being tricked into it.

  8. Sure appears to a be a lot of folks spreading deceit, deception on TRS.
    Soros and Hillary are getting their money’s worth hiring parrots of their talking points and denigrating Trump with little to no facts.
    TRS has been infected and they are trying their best to make it a pandemic.

  9. I agree with wizzum–I felt soiled being on that website. Right Scoop is a bunch of fucktards who are part of the problem. Like that imposter Sooper Mexican who is actually some pencil necked white geek living in the pacific northwest. Fuck the

  10. Bill and Chelsea love Hillary so lttle they’re lying and covering up her problems, further jeopardizing her health. They’re more concerned about the White House than her. She clearly is sick and the stress and fatigue of the presidency will be the nail in her coffin. She should be resting. Nobody seems to care. What a deplorable, power hungry family.

  11. The only thing you can be sure of is that if they have been forced to admit she has pneumonia then it’s a lie and she has something far, far worse. If she has to withdraw then Trump needs to be careful because you can be sure her Howdy-Doody of a running mate won’t be replacing her as a candidate and they just may find some unknown who is charismatic and could shake off the hate-Hillary effect. In any event Trump ought to be going after the DNC now for trying to conceal her health condition, painting them as a “win at any and all cost” type of an organisation that resorts to lies, trickery and outright fraud. That puts the downstream Democratic candidates in danger.

  12. I imagine she has a few large bruises after being tossed into the van yesterday.

    The Democrats won’t stop this charade until she’s near death or the press finally gets on their ass to put an end to it and replace her. They won’t listen to reason, only the polls.

  13. Fuck her.
    Fuck HRC!
    She’s a lying, thieving, treasonous sack of monkey shit and I couldn’t conceivably care any less about her physical condition.

    I hope Mr. Trump trounces her sorry, worthless, useless, thieving, corrupt, murderous, treasonous stinking ass and she hobbles off the world stage to lie in her bed gnawing the toes off her feet, muttering obscenities, and pissing in Huma Abedin’s face – and then consigned to eternity in Hell.

    Fuck her.

    But I’m feeling kinda generous today, so don’t be mad at me for thinking so highly of her.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. TO scr_north

    The “pneumonia” could be legit, in that it is commonly found among people with Parkinson’s Disease. THAT would be the “cover-up” in this case (wouldn’t surprise me if that’s it).

    Think of AIDS and celebrities who died from all sorts of diseases brought on by it. The media almost always uses the “innocent” disease as the cause of the celebrity’s death, to cover-up for the AIDS.

  15. @Navigator, I think it may be the other way around, that Hillary cares so little for her daughter and grandchildren (we know she never gave a shit about Bill) that even spending what looks to be her last few years (months?) with them isn’t enough for her. I don’t believe anything they could say would make her give up her quest for power.

    Motherhood was a facade, grandmotherhood is a facade–the kids are props to make her look “normal.” She would sell them to the Saudis to get herself into the White House.

  16. I sure am no doctor, but I know of many people who were ill, got pneumonia and died. Cause listed: Death from pneumonia. If you are ill and get pneumonia, it’s not a good sign.

  17. Hillary would protect her co-conspirators, who also just happens to be her family. See.. she cares. I firmly believe that her co-conspirators would rather have her as president than alive and doing well. That goes for ANYONE supporting her right now in this campaign. They have yet to demonstrate otherwise. No doubt she will stop at nothing to win. Yup, she is selling every American to the Saudi’s, along with countless other countries in order to help expand her power.

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