Here’s Why NYT’s Latest Attempt To Scare Readers About Global Warming Is A ‘Waste Of Time’ – IOTW Report

Here’s Why NYT’s Latest Attempt To Scare Readers About Global Warming Is A ‘Waste Of Time’

  • The New York Times teamed up with climate scientists to produce a graphic purporting to show an increase in hot days.
  • However, it’s not actually showing that, but instead TheNYT’s graphic shows an average based on climate models.
  • When compared to the observed temperature record, TheNYT’s graphic doesn’t match up.

DC: Another week, another New York Times feature trying to get its readers worried about how much the world could warm in the future.

This time TheNYT partnered with the Climate Impact Lab, which is “a group of climate scientists, economists and data analysts from the Rhodium Group, the University of Chicago, Rutgers University and the University of California, Berkeley,” the paper noted.

TheNYT and Climate Impact Lab created a graphic that’s supposed to show readers how many more days at or above 90 degrees they could expect today in their home town from when they were born — their data only goes back to 1960, though.

The question is: how accurate is TheNYT’s representation of the change in days at of above 90 degrees? Well, at least for U.S. cities, it seems to be misleading.

“This is [a] waste of time,” quipped Dr. Ryan Maue, a Cato Institute adjunct scholar, in a tweet sent out Sunday night. Maue ran the numbers for Atlanta and got a different answer than what TheNYT showed for the city.  more here

8 Comments on Here’s Why NYT’s Latest Attempt To Scare Readers About Global Warming Is A ‘Waste Of Time’

  1. The “New York Times” is a waste of trees. The tree huggers of the world should band together and boycott the Times. Ditto the WAPO and The HufPo.
    As the great William F. Buckley changed their motto: “All the News that’s fit to Print,” to “All the News that Fits.” How true.
    I miss WFB.

  2. wow! I get it now! … they produced a ‘graphic’, with purdy colors … it must be true

    …. flashing shiny objects in front of the millennials ….
    after all, as Yoda said, “… much hotter it may get”

  3. The climate’s been changing since long before Man arrived on the scene, and will continue to do so long after he has departed. Temperatures go up, temperatures go down.

    Nature doesn’t care about living organisms or what they think about this situation. Nature says, “Deal with it. Adapt or die.”

    And we do.


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