Heritage Working on Legal Strategies to Keep Biden on the Ticket – IOTW Report

Heritage Working on Legal Strategies to Keep Biden on the Ticket

Fox News

Heritage has already identified multiple states in which a switch away from Biden before or after the nomination could mean serious trouble for the Democratic Party.

In a separate statement, the Oversight Project warned, “If the Biden family decides that President Biden will not run for re-election, the mechanisms for replacing him on ballots vary by state. There is the potential for pre-election litigation in some states that would make the process difficult and perhaps unsuccessful. 

“Given the expected intensity of election integrity concerns in this election cycle, policymakers and the public should be educated and aware of the contentious path ahead,” it added. More

22 Comments on Heritage Working on Legal Strategies to Keep Biden on the Ticket

  1. this is really a tricky situation. one hand, the best thing that can happen is Brandon sticking around till the bitter end and trump winning a 45 state landslide. but, the country remains in grave danger with this vegetable in power.
    not sure what the best solution is

  2. Here’s a variation on a comment I made a short time ago on the family meeting thread. Thinking waaaay outside the box:

    The DNC declares that Joey simply can’t continue with his campaign, but that he must remain on the ballot but that Dems must NOT vote for him.

    DNC: “Given that it is far too late for anyone else to step forward with any chance at all of beating Orange Man, we simply will not have a candidate in the race. All of the younger up-and-comers will have four years to get ready for the 2028 election, and none of them will have to self-destruct unnecessarily by running hopelessly against the Bad Man.

    “But, fellow Democrats, we will continue to do everything in our power to stop Trump from implementing the horrid programs he’s been threatening Our Democracy with. All Democrats simply must go to the polls and vote because we simply MUST MUST MUST control both the House and Senate for the next four years, and as many State offices as possible, too. But to show your protest against Trump, leave your vote for President BLANK.

    “If you think The Resistance was strong in 2016-2020, you ain’t seen nothing yet. We’ll stop Orange Man and his Nazi, Fascist cronies dead in their tracks. But to do that we must have the House and Senate.”

  3. Just remember, hundreds of election laws were broken/violated by the democrats to put mail-in ballots, etc in place and NOBODY cared and the Republicans mostly just went along in order to get rid of Trump. This is going to end in the streets. Don’t k8d yourself.

  4. My thinking is that Biden stays on the ticket as far as possible. He may crater before the end, but he will take down plenty of TRAITOROUS BASTARD democrats in the process. These no good pieces of shit need to be identified for who they are! Rinos included, they may be the worst among the shit pile.

  5. Democraps will do ‘most anything to avoid the admission of being wrong, like in…Biden being a bad choice that was pushed by the liberal, commie dems.
    Of course, he was ideal as a puppet of the 3rd administration of Obutthole and that was their most important consideration at the time.

    Shit has changed just a little sooner than the lying, commies wanted/anticipated and as such, new shit has to be implemented.

  6. After watching this by Tulsi, kinda wondering if this will be Biden’s last ditch effort to distract and ensure his continued presidency, via distraction, massive destruction and confusion under Martial Law.

    Besides! After his Border issue, not even sure that he will not aim the bombs towards the United States!

  7. @Uncle Al: The problem I see with your scenario is that for many voters, the Presidential election is what induces them to vote. While in the voting booth, they may vote for down ballot candidates, but in non-Presidential election years the voting turnout is generally much lower.

    Republicans would have an inducement to vote for Trump, and while they’re at it cast a vote for down ballot Republicans. It could be a blood bath for Democrats – although it may be anyway.

  8. Great strategy by Heritage Foundation. The Democrats should be forced to lie in that pissy, poop filled Biden bed they made. Hope Biden crap affects Democrat down ballots, too.

  9. Some of the bigger problems are that (as with my State) the gop is just fine with Mlss Lindsey and good ok’ joe wilson… not interested in ousting the war monger grifters.


    That Heritage guy is very eloquent, and he makes good arguments, but look at the comment right under yours by Mr. Liberty. All of those lofty statements mean nothing if the election is stolen again.

    The Heritage Foundation would do better if it stopped stunting with stuff like keeping Biden on the ballot, and instead focused all of its resources and brainpower on stopping the election theft which put Biden in the White House once and will do so again if left unchallenged.

  11. Juan Merchan will hand down Trump’s sentence in 10 days. Given the Biden disaster Thursday they have to get rid of him somehow. Look for this crooked judge to order him to Rikers Island immediately, 4 days before the RNC convention.

  12. GoB, after the debate, I bet there are Dem lawyers who will be arguing your rhetorical question with straight faces. And there are Dem judges who will listen to their arguments with straight faces.

  13. Richard – Look for this crooked judge to order him to Rikers Island immediately, 4 days before the RNC convention.

    See I don’t know about that. Even these Thick-As-A-Brick leftist knob-polishers are seeing that things aren’t going their way and that throwing President Trump into the clink would just throw gasoline on a fire they already started!
    Having said that, their mind-numbing stupid decisions continue to amaze!


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