Hero Cop who testified with Jon Stewart at 911 Victims Compensation Hearing Has Died – IOTW Report

Hero Cop who testified with Jon Stewart at 911 Victims Compensation Hearing Has Died


“It is with peace and comfort, that the Alvarez family announce that Luis (Lou) Alvarez, our warrior, has gone home to our Good Lord in heaven today,” the family said. “Please remember his words, ‘Please take care of yourselves and each other.’ We told him at the end that he had won this battle by the many lives he had touched by sharing his three-year battle. He was at peace with that, surrounded by family.”

Alvarerz entered hospice care last week.


6 Comments on Hero Cop who testified with Jon Stewart at 911 Victims Compensation Hearing Has Died

  1. Every one of the victims of the WTC contamination should have been/should be given reparations by Larry Silverstein for their services rendered on 9/11. Silverstein himself has been reimbursed $4.5 billion minimum, while suing for more from the airlines. He hit the jackpot while NY first responders get to be sick and die. “Super Masculinity” is what good men are.

    Three 9/11 first responders died of cancer on the same day
    Published time: 27 Sep, 2014
    Less than two weeks after the 13th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, three New York firefighters who worked at Ground Zero died of cancer, all on the same day, the Fire Department of New York said.
    Lt. Howard Bischoff, 58, and firefighters Robert Leaver, 56, and Daniel Heglund, 58, died within hours of one another Monday. Bischoff had colon cancer, Leaver had leukemia and Heglund had esophageal cancer. Many believe the diseases were related to their time serving as first responders at the World Trade Center in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. FDNY officials say 850 firefighters and ambulance workers at the scene have been diagnosed with cancer since then, related to that work at Ground Zero.

    “”On that day when first responders arrived, the air was toxic and remained toxic for many months afterward,” said Jake Lemonda, president of the Uniformed Fire Officers Association, according to CBS News.

    First responders began showing health problems soon after the attacks, with 99 percent of exposed firefighters reporting at least one new respiratory illness, according to NYC Resources 9/11 Health Statistics.”

  2. Little boys who admired Superman as kids learned that a real man protects and saves. That is an identifier of Super Masculinity.” Little boys need to be encouraged to grow up to become that kind of man. Men of courage and moral ethics is what the American society needs most now to fight against the perverse propaganda being forced onto children openly everywhere. Another true life story has been made into a movie about a genuine, super American male hero.

    Incredible white-hero movie “Sully”!
    January 10, 2017 John de Nugent

    Graduate of the US Air Force Academy, then seven years an AF pilot, then thirty years a civilian airline pilot, Chesley Sullenberger, of Swiss-German ancestry from Texas, is a real person. This whole heroic story is true.

    90 seconds into takeoff, at merely 2,800 feet altitude and still rising, Sully lost both engines and was certain he could not make it back to any airport. His decision, taken after 35 seconds of frantic engine checks, was vindicated by scientific tests despite NTSB (National Transport Safety Board) bureaucratic harassment. All passengers survived the landing in the icy waters of New York City in January 2009, with just one woman suffering a gash on her leg. Immediately, federal bureaucrats began accusing Sully of errors, but had to retract their charges.

  3. You all talking about the untalented Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz self loathing hebrew not even proud enough to use his real name?
    Mental illness is the most supported theme in the MSM today.
    Just checking,,

  4. An answer to No Blushes may not get read, but here it is.
    “untalented Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz self loathing hebrew ” is definitely an example of real “toxic masculinity.”

    Why are so many WTC First Responders dying?
    Christopher Bollyn on June 30, 2019
    “The people, like Jon Stewart, who are involved in the 9/11 cover-up cannot discuss the peculiar toxicity of the smoke that has sickened and killed so many people in New York because it would raise questions about what produced this deadly smoke. Pray tell, why did iron boil beneath the rubble? This subject simply cannot be discussed by those protecting the official myth because it demolishes their explanation of what brought down the towers on 9/11.”

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