“He’s Coming” “I’m Gonna Die” Texter Predicted His Fate – IOTW Report

“He’s Coming” “I’m Gonna Die” Texter Predicted His Fate

We ran this yesterday. The text messages to a trapped club-goer’s mother.

It’s been confirmed, he was murdered.article-3638622-3539202900000578-57_308x397

28 Comments on “He’s Coming” “I’m Gonna Die” Texter Predicted His Fate

  1. I hate this.
    Wake the hell up America.
    I think an integral part of Making America Great Again should be killing every one of those ISIS bastards.
    Then we round up every Muslim bastard remotely related to this puke and deport them penniless as an example for what will happen to you if your asshole cousin goes on the Jihad Trail.
    Then announce every terrorist we kill from now on will be fed to pigs (there goes your trip to paradise)
    Lazlo lives in Arizona, I see the illegals everywhere.
    I’m not worried about a nuke in Phoenix or Tucson, I worry some bastard will take it to Yellowstone.
    Man, if I were in charge the wall would be so high it would affect the weather.

  2. No shit Loco-the fucker comes into the bathroom and I’m unarmed, I’ve got a toilet tank lid or some fucking thing in my hands-it sure as fuck ain’t gonna be a phone.

  3. let’s all cower in the corner in the bathroom texting while some mooselimb goes nuts with a gun and shoots us. what ever you do don’t put up a fight. it might make the attacker mad. you can’t stop hate with more hate unless it’s aimed at Christians.

    “survival of the fittest”

  4. ” Lazlo lives in Arizona, I see the illegals everywhere. ”

    even ten years ago, I used to post that every inter-continental tunnel those fuckers dug should be filled to the top with crude oil – hell, maybe it just takes a foot or so thick to kill em off with the fumes

  5. Abigail, that is how to deal with these bastards.
    They aren’t afraid to die because they think they are going to Paradise.
    So make them afraid to die.
    Make them aware that if they die in the pursuit of their cause they will be defiled with swine so their God will not accept them.
    Do a Black Jack Pershing, film it and jam all their TV channels with it.
    That should do the trick.

  6. Lazlo — I did a little checking into what influenced Trump growing up. Some people probably know this and think it’s interesting, but it really captured my attention at the time. And I can’t find the reference now or I would link it. And it might have even been something he, himself, said in an interview. It had to do with his love of medieval history and having read a lot of medieval stories — King Arthur, being iconic among that rank. The way (he) it was emphasized, his interest was more than your average kid’s love of dragons and swords. Sometime later I watched W. Churchill’s “The Gathering Storm” and looked again at the many references he made in his writings about warfare and warrior-ing. I realized the two men shared these now-quaint characteristics of nobility of fighting the just cause, a chivalry and gallantry; maybe even a Christian righteousness (though, neither one of them pounced on religious underpinnings or “Christianity” per se). In their view of war and winning wars, neither of them are concerned about ‘optics.’ They are only concerned with winning. As much as he hated to do it, Churchill’s navy killed 1,200 French in the process of destroying the French fleet which had been captured by the Germans. Lord Halifax, had he been PM or over Churchill as Director of the Military Forces, would have never had the courage to do something so difficult.

    At any rate, I see a great warrior in Trump who understands a code of loyalty and allegiance to the U.S. and to its people. I see a man with a very tough, but chivalrous, warrior. I know there is a deep cynicism in this culture that resists such romantic ideas. I don’t care about that. We desperately need a man who has at his core a warrior temperament in order for him to be able to do the job that needs doing.

  7. I’m so upset I had to be tranqued. Now I’m up fighting mad. What they need to do is arrest Kim Davis. She is responsible for this slaughter of my people. Her hatred of LGBT People caused this. We need to go after and punish any kind of homophobia and also transphobia. Starting with the commenters on this webpage.

  8. “We need to go after and punish any kind of homophobia and also transphobia. Starting with the commenters on this webpage.”

    Sounds like a solid threat to me, Lar. What did you have in mind?

  9. The disgraceful thing is the gay mafia coming out in droves to use this tragedy as a way to push their exclusive gay agenda, coloring everything in rainbows. It’s not fair to those Americans that died that they are being used and tossed aside as trash.

  10. Got news for you Larry. I don’t HAVE to like gays. I don’t HAVE to accept gays. It’s called a right. I DONT have the right to kill gays. I don’t particularly have a problem with gays, but I do have a problem with gays forcing their lifestyle on me, and then calling me homophobic if I don’t openly accept and enforce their perverted lifestyles. I don’t care who you fuck, or who fucks you, as long as you keep it to yourself, and running around with your ass out and your junk in a banana hammock at your gay pride parades, and being flagrantly sexual around children is not keeping it to yourselves. Fags are less than three percent of the population, but the other 97% to the population is being forced to bend over backwards to accommodate you and ‘your people”

    Go fuck yourself, but do it in private.

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