Images from:
1 Charlie WalksonWater (Toby Tornado) – He’s a 21 pound Australian Terrier (He’s just big boned).
2 Bayouwulf (Ernie)
3 Truckbuddy (Sammy)
4 forcibly deranged (Kilo and Logan)
5 Mansfield Lovell (Auggie Doggie) We stuck balloons on her for Mothers Day. She was not pleased.
6 Claudia (Canada Geese)
7 Claudia (Texas Longhorns) in Michigan
8 Ghost (Comorants aerating) Hastings, NY
9 pixabay.com
Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:
They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.
Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!
“Friends Past” will be posted next week. If you would like your pet from the past to be included, please send a picture with their name and a little bit about them. Doesn’t matter if it’s been recent or decades ago; they all have a place in our hearts no matter the length of time they’ve been gone. Please include “Friends Past” either in the Subject line of the email or in the body of the email.
Also, I received a picture from Mansfield Lovell this week that gave me an idea for another theme: Trump Supporting Critters! Be creative and snap some pictures of your critters with Trump paraphernalia (hats, shirts, buttons, etc.) or whatever you can think of!
Always nice on a Sunday morning.
Thanks Claudia
Thanks, Claudia!
I enjoy this very much, indeed.
What Crackerbaby wrote.
Thanks Claudia. These critter posts always start my week off with a smile.
@Claudia – aw shucks ma’am. Weren’t nuthin
Good Sunday morning iOTW!
Auggie Doggie gave me a good laugh! She is NOT amused!
Got one that’s the spitting image of Sammy, Truckbuddy’s, but is supposed to be a Bichon.
Has a desperate need to explore the world and not return if gotten off the lead.
Didn’t even KNOW there were Longhorns in Michigan!
Great pics everyone enjoy your Sunday…
Thanks C!
ghost, me either! I was so shocked after I moved back from MN to see a whole herd of them. Two farms in the my county have them. I look for them whenever I drive by; they are so cool looking!
Wouldn’t they be called Longhorn Wolverines? Now that IS scary.
Countess Augustina Germanicus was pleased her royal subjects were pleased to see her
Mansfield Lovell, 😀 😀 😀 😀