Read number 10 0n this list. (As if 1-9 aren’t ridiculous.)
If I’m racist “no matter what,” why would a GAF about 1-9?
I’m going to continue to be civil to black people when I meet them one on one, as I always am to any person. But as for now, as a group, not knowing the individual, I won’t be taking the collective black plight seriously. (Not that I ever did, but this just seals the deal. It’s futile, so phuck it.)
This is a real thing that people share seriously.
— neontaster (@neontaster) March 12, 2017
WOW. The call them selves A United States of Christ Blog.
By defining me as “white” and “privileged” you are defining yourself as a lesser person. LOSER!
A POCs upon it!
I”m not racist’s or hope I’m not–I just don’t like stupid people that try and make me conform to their thought’s or ideas. If you leave me alone, we will get along just fine otherwise go away and sprout your stuff on someone who might care-because I don’t.
Isn’t someone calling out someone else for a “microagression” a microagression?
@Brad- hello neighbor to my north– I clicked on your link and I must say–WOW- just another seeker sensitive-compromising_ it’s all about me type of gathering of fools. sort of like Joel Olsten’s people or many many other place’s that put self first before Christ. Have a great day– (ray)
Well, if # 10 is no matter what, then piss on you and your farkakte nonsensical list.
Yawn. Is that a strange quacking sound outside somewhere?
People tend to identify with people they have things in common with. For most of us skin color is last on the list unless you have no hobbies or business interests and sit around and dwell on racism all day long. So that list is probably accurate FOR THEM. Get a life losers.
Well, fuck you.
How ya like me now?
To quote GFY: “Kiss my fat white ass!”
izlamo delenda est …
Well if I can’t be anything other than a racist……………….go F@#* yourselves you stupid negroes.
Black Rifle Coffee Company, Are You a Racist?
#4 I actually agree with, but you know what? Progressive shitheads do that kind of shit all of the time. If diversity is so fucking awesome, why do leftists have to force it on others? Diversity should happen naturally or not.
“Everyone’s a little bit racist, sometime! Doesn’t mean we go around commiting hate criiiimes!”
If leftists put half as much effort into being something other than stupid liberals this world would be a little easier to live in.
“I never will forget one little blonde co-ed after I had spoken at her New England college. She must have caught the next plane behind that one I took to New York. She found the Muslim restaurant in Harlem. I just happened to be there when she came in. Her clothes, her carriage, her accent, all showed Deep South white breeding and money.
Anyway, I’d never seen anyone I ever spoke before more affected than this little white college girl. She demanded right up in my face, “Don’t you believe there are any good white people?” I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. I told her, “People’s deeds I believe in, Miss — not their words.”
“What can I do?” she exclaimed. I told her, “Nothing.” She burst out crying, and ran out and up Lenox Avenue and caught a taxi.”–Malcolm X, 1963
Fast forward to Malcolm X, 1965:
“I regret that I told her she could do ‘nothing.’ I wish now that I knew her name, or where I could telephone her, and tell her what I tell white people now when they present themselves as being sincere, and ask me, one way or another, the same thing that she asked.”
“I tried in every speech I made to clarify my new position regarding white people…I don’t speak against the sincere, well-meaning, good white people. I have learned that there are some. I have learned that not all white people are racists. I am speaking against and my fight is against the white racists.”
You’re backsliding furiously, you ignorant SJW’s, but it will never be 1963 again.
This is so juvenile. If someone is really bothering you, have the guts to say to that person’s face, “Leave me alone!” And then walk away.
Wow Bad_Brad, a church without sex. Now if we could just get the Libs to join they’d wipe themselves out in a generation.
And if all white people are racist, stop taking their tax money to pay for social programs that don’t benefit them. POC should change their name to POS. They give actual self respecting people of color a bad name.
Wouldn’t it be nice if the target of some snowflake screaming accusation of microaggression would go macro on the howling SJW with a punch to his or her damned ignorant mouth? I’m completely bored of the left’s non-stop hysterics.
There names on the bottom of that poster. I poked around that web site for a couple minutes. Started to feel like one of those weird cults from a 70’s SciFi movie.
Turns out the top of the left’s crab bucket of civil rights is social justice insanity. Time to claw everyone back down again.
And anyone who truly believes that list represents reality can GFY.
Name one person in their right mind, including “POC” that would reject a privilege. What a pant load.
I’m never going to actively or passively denounce any privilege, no matter what color it’s called.
If a “POC” is gifted free education, room & board, a guaranteed job, etc, etc on the sole basis that they are a POC on the heels of confused white folks and their privilege, then I say good for them.
Now it’s time for them to embrace me on my privileges that do NOT include free room & board, education, job, etc, etc that are based solely on the color of my skin. When I think of a single privilege I’m granted as a cracker, I’ll let you know, but I’m sure a “POC” will fill in my blank worksheet for me.
My Rebuttal:
1. (See #10) No point in even showing up for dialogues and protests. I’m sure there’s a sporting event, tv show or movie you can stay home and watch or a good book to read. F*** the protests and dialogues.
2. Ok then. You won’t mind if we cut off all funding to inner city neighborhoods then? Because you don’t want us to support “gentrification” do you? No point in donating any money to such things either.
3. (#10) Sorry no point in listening to anything you have to say as far as I can see.
4. ??? Okayyy so you’re saying this whole obsession with “diversity” is just a huge waste of time. Well I tend to agree but it’s your obsession not ours – So sounds good.
5. Better yet don’t waste time with the “urban dictionary” and get back to speaking real English. It’s not like they have anything to say anyone would care about anyway.
6. Right who needs role-models anyway. That’s so 1992.
7. Or you know don’t bother (#10)
8. And that’s especially true about anti-white-racism which is rampant but doesn’t seem to matter.. and again (#10)
9. (#1, #3,# 5 #6, #10) Right why even bother to try to listen?
10. (#10) Ok then thanks for wasting my time with your list. I’ll just be on my way and not give a s*** about this “racist” crap in the future…and if everything is racist then nothing is and you don’t care at all about the real examples of racism being practiced.
I’ve paid taxes for over 50 years. Of that, there is a certain percentage that has gone for civil rights and the resulting Trillions spent on entitlements. I would at least like a Thank You for that contribution instead of a big Fuck You from the Black community!!
Ah, the United Church of Christ. Marxism posing as Christianity.
-I was born white, which makes me a racist.
-I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which makes me a fascist.
-I am heterosexual, which makes me a homophobic.
-I am non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class and an ally of big business.
-I am a Christian, which makes me an infidel.
-I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive North American culture, which makes me a xenophobe.
-I value my safety and that of my family; therefore I appreciate the police and the legal system, which makes me a right-wing extremist.
-I believe in the defense and protection of the homeland by all citizens, which makes me a militarist.
-I believe that people who are illegally in America should not be given amnesty and benefits, which makes me anti-immigrant.
-I believe that minorities with âC+â averages should not be admitted to medical and law schools in place of white students with âAâ averages, which makes me intolerant and insensitive.
And now Iâm not sure which bathroom I should use.
Sounds like someone here has a whole lot of common sense!
Wasn’t a racist when I was younger
but the garbage cans full of “teaching moments” the idiots have me smelling
are making me want to excel at it.
I don’t hate all black people.
Just the ones that vote democrat.
I can’t help it that’s about all of them.
I’m increasingly finding that there is no time in my day for this crap.
I’m enjoying my life and Life Is Good.
Sorry if that bothers someone, but can I no longer care.
“What race is your washer and dryer?” Hahaha! See the Black Rifle Coffee Company link above.
Common sense is often mistaken for racism. Who in their right mind would stop on a dark road to help a group of thug looking dindoos who were wearing their pants around their thighs?
If I’m going to be a racist as you’re accusing me, I’m going to be the best raayyyycis I can be.
Now where’s my rope?
(I’m trying to think how that bad guy sign up scene with the KKK from Blazing Saddles would fit into this)
They gonna need some ballistic vests.
But then you break out the rifles.
@just pass’n thru March 13, 2017 at 3:47 pm
> Iâm not racistâs or hope Iâm not
Did you wake up one morning, and decide, in that moment of clarity when the smell of the coffee awakens your brain but your body is still too decaffeinated to do more than the zombie shuffle, “Hey, my name’s not enough. I need an adjective.”? So you grabbed a pair of dice, rolled a 4 and a 2, and pulled Scrabble tiles out of the box: “R,” “A,” “C,” “I,” “S,” “T”? And decided “Oh, I’m a ‘rakist’. Doesn’t sound like anything, much. How about ‘rasist’? Like a bicycle racer? Hey, not bad. Today, I’m a ‘rasist’. Spelled with a ‘c’, you peasants.”? If so, then you get to decide whether you are, are a good, are a recovering, or are not, a “racist”.
But if someone else made up the adjective, and uses it at you, then you don’t get to decide. Anymore than you get to decide if you are a medical doctor, the King of England, or the world’s most interesting man.
The question is “If someone who calls themselves ‘The World’s Most Interesting Man’ calls you ‘The King of England,’ why should you care?”.
these SJW have way to much time on their hands to be obsessed with this crap. Get a haircut and get a real job. When you live in the real world there’s no time or place for BS like this.