Hey New Hampshire: Look At who ‘Verified Voting’ (the Firm Selected to Audit Windham) Is Associating With – IOTW Report

Hey New Hampshire: Look At who ‘Verified Voting’ (the Firm Selected to Audit Windham) Is Associating With

GP: Verified Voting may be the worst pick to perform the audit in New Hampshire’s Windham County based on its associates alone.  Remember, birds of a feather flock together.

7 Comments on Hey New Hampshire: Look At who ‘Verified Voting’ (the Firm Selected to Audit Windham) Is Associating With

  1. Picking from the voter registry at random would yield a better auditing team. If none of them had any experience, then pick another random name.

  2. The Carter Center lends credibility to other three? Since when is The Carter Center credible? The Carter Center is responsible for installing Hugo Chavez by declaring his glaringly fraudulent election (so said nearly every other international and domestic observer) as golden.

    Hmmm. Wasn’t there something about Dominion Voting Systems’ software supplier, Smartmatic, having connections to Venezuela?

  3. “Every republican should be interviewed ON RECORD what they think about the Arizona 2020 audit.”

    And you expect them to give honest answers?

    IMO, Republicans are no different than Democrats, they just tell you what you want to hear so you’ll vote for them.

  4. They cheated on the “election” so why wouldn’t they cheat on the audit?
    These traitors are suborning a nation!
    This is NOT a game to them. Too much at stake.

    This is an undeclared war and our “representatives” (in the RINO party) are double agents for the enemy. They twiddle each others’ dicks and sniff each others’ fingers while the country falls apart. The Fourth Estate is a Fifth Column. It cannot be depended upon – except to lie to further the cause of America’s enemies. Academia is totally in the grip of the socialists, and has been for nearly a hundred years. The culture is rotting from decadence and im/a/morality.

    But you knew that.

    izlamo delenda est …


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