Hezbollah’s Pagers Go Off All Over Lebanon – IOTW Report

Hezbollah’s Pagers Go Off All Over Lebanon


Hundreds of alleged members of the Iran-backed Hezbollah terror organization were wounded on Tuesday when their pagers, which apparently had been hacked, exploded simultaneously in Beirut and elsewhere in Lebanon. More

62 Comments on Hezbollah’s Pagers Go Off All Over Lebanon

  1. “Hundreds of alleged members of the Iran-backed Hezbollah terror organization were wounded on Tuesday when their pagers, which apparently had been hacked, exploded simultaneously”

    Yea well just sayen, pager don’t explode leaving large holes in concrete unless there was an explosive placed in the pager. LOL

  2. What I’ve read, Lebanon recently band cell phones.

    What I assume, Some clever person inside the Mossad asked the question, what did we use before we had cell phones. And the rest is explosive history.
    876-5309 boom

  3. I am so sick of these bullshit bait and switch sites labeled “graphic content” where I expect to see the ceramic tiled walls of some mosque adorned with jihadi brain matter, only to be disappointed with a ,”That’s all ya got?”. Unless a sponge is required for the body removal I’d say the job was half-ass at best.

    And who uses pagers anymore?

  4. Hezbollah has been lobbing dozens of missiles into Israel for many months nightly, targeting neighborhoods with families.

    I have no sympathy with them feeling some of the terror they have been dishing out all this time.

    BTW, pagers were used by the terror organization for specific missions, thus they all had them.

  5. I like how they caught an ambassador with one. lol

    I’m reading it caught up a couple of thousand of them.
    Pagers are used because Mossad hacked into cell phones. So they banned cell phones and figured pagers were low-tech enough to not be infiltrated.

    OK, but where’d you get the pagers from, brah?

  6. Seen on X:

    “BREAKING: After 1,000 pagers perform gender reassignment surgery in Lebanon Hezbollah is to be renamed Hersbollah.”

    This whole thing is comedy gold. I’ve been giggling all day.

  7. I’m thinking they loaded them with small blasting caps. Used a relay to detonate after a remote signal was transmitted.

    Gotta love terrorists trying to circumvent detection and getting their nutsacks blown away.
    Gonna disappoint a whole lotta afterlife virgins…

  8. They didn’t ban cellphones, drug dealers & terrorists use them to avoid detection, recorded location transactions and various other security issues.
    Their daddy ain’t joe biden* so they can’t leave laptops, drugs & guns just lying around…

  9. “This afternoon over 1,000 Hezbollah terrorist pagers exploded in Lebanon & as far away as Damascus. Many seem dead or seriously injured.

    Israel can penetrate Hezbollah comms so they use pagers. It seems the lithium batteries were made to overheat.”

    – A guy on Twitter

  10. BREAKING REPORT: Israel planted explosives in Hezbollah pagers ordered from Taiwan


    The number of dead in the exploding pager attack on Hezbollah terrorists has risen to 18, eleven in Lebanon and seven in Syria. The number of injured is said to be at least 4,000 and 400 of them are said to be in critical condition.


  11. Word is they intercepted the pager shipment five months ago.
    Coated the lithium ion batteries with explosive PETN.
    They likely shorted the batteries with a DPDT relay via remote. They may have used a high watt low ohm resistor to allow the heat to build up to explode the PETN.
    They likely used pager comms to trigger a relay.
    May have used an emergency response band.
    Lithium ion is incendiary, not explosive.

  12. Idea for Mossad. Remember the Shoe Bomber? All you got to do is find out where Hezbullards get their shoes…work out with the suppliers say, in Bangladesh, a small payment for a little but powerful bomb in every shoe or boot. Work it to blow after 5 steps.

    Imagine wobbly western drunks coming out of bars and restaurants in Beirut late at night.

    Henry: (urp) Doris, what’s that thing hanging off that streetlight?

    Doris: (urp) Henry…It looks like sort of a leg and maybe a pelvis or something attached to it.

    Henry: How could a leg get up there by itself?

    Doris: Dear, I don’t know. I don’t want to know. Lets go back in the bar and have some more martinis.

    Henry: I’m all for that…this city is creeping me out.

  13. “ Band, banned. Not the same thing.”

    I’d like to know why I’m the only person that gets spell checked here? Quite honestly when I’m typing quickly I really don’t spend a lot of time worrying about spelling. Neither do others here. So WTF? I spot spelling errors all the time. I’d feel pretty petty bringing them up. You people need to get a life.

  14. On top of the killing, maiming, injuring of these Hezbollah thugs, the pics and videos they’re taking of themselves in the aftermath and then posting online is providing a handy and helpful library for counter-terrorism facial recognition monitors. Thanks, guys!

  15. Anon needs to worry about getting a screen name to differentiate himself.
    As for You Brad, yes we all have typos but you are a habitual offender.
    Also with the bad grammar and malapropisms…
    Don’t ever change!

  16. Lithium batteries don’t explode, they burn. If you search YouTube, cell phone bats exploded, all you end up with is cell phone fires. These pagers were obviously altered. From the pics I’ve seen they are unusually large pagers. Huge. Large enough for a c4 charge. I’m not sure any of that’s even really matters. What an effective way to destroy your mortal enemies.

  17. I wonder…..

    It seems to me Bibi owes a couple of favors to Trump and MAGA. It would be a whole lot easier to disable Dominion in a similar — albeit much smaller boom boom action — manner, eh? Picture it: voting machines crapping out across the country after the official voting deadline arrives.

  18. Dinah’s follow-up. When I first read about it I got a great big grin on, low level genius. To me the subtle angles are best. 1) they don’t give new equipment to the lowest grunts. 2) everybody’s now scared of new equipment (pagers particularly). 3) they need new pagers. So, so sweet. Some added pluses, injured fighters take up more resources than dead ones, they are limping around reminders that you can get your junk blown off playing this game, and the ones so blown up can’t reproduce. Lots of wins there.


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