Higgins: Butler SWAT Operator Shot Thomas Matthew Crooks ‘From the Ground’ Before Secret Service Delivered Fatal Shot – IOTW Report

Higgins: Butler SWAT Operator Shot Thomas Matthew Crooks ‘From the Ground’ Before Secret Service Delivered Fatal Shot


Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) said in a Monday investigative report that a Butler SWAT operator shot would-be presidential assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks’ gun “from the ground” before the shooter was killed by a U.S. Secret Service sniper during former President Donald Trump’s July 13 campaign rally.

A total of ten shots were fired during Trump’s July 13 rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, Rep. Higgins said in a preliminary investigative report to Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA), the Chairman of the “Bipartisan Task Force to Investigate the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump.”

The report stated that eight “shots were fired by Crooks from his firing (and dying) position” on the rooftop, and that all eight bullet casings are now “allegedly in proper possession of the FBI.” more

14 Comments on Higgins: Butler SWAT Operator Shot Thomas Matthew Crooks ‘From the Ground’ Before Secret Service Delivered Fatal Shot

  1. ” “This pattern of investigative scorched earth by the FBI is quite troubling.”

    “This action by the FBI can only be described by any reasonable man as an obstruction to any following investigative effort,” the congressman said.”

    I would respectfully request Congressman Higgins that you and all your republican colleagues get busy formally submitting a sternly worded letter to Director Wray.

  2. It seems Clay Higgins has the deck stacked against him seeing how the FBI, and SS, have sanitized the site, cremated the perp, and are in possession of the evidence that an investigator would need to see.

  3. Not one person in their right mind, who has any desire to get to the facts, would ever let the FBI anywhere near a crime scene or control over any of the evidence whatsoever.

    “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

  4. So, the ‘missing’ 2nd ‘shooter’ was a good guy.
    ALL the physical evidence squares.
    The Audio sigs, the different video angles.

    Case closed on that part.
    Crooks did it.

    And all the 2nd fiddlers out there making hay about cremations and this and that and the other, are full of sh#t and have been exposed twice over for the grifting, grubbing, 400 pounders on the internets playing roles in their grand theft autos looking for that crypto pot of gold imposters that they are.

  5. Yeah listen to the audio….

    Audio recordings analysis shows….a 4 shot rapid fire burst….a different sounding 4 shot rapid fire burst possibly from a possible different location….a single shot….and another single shot….
    Until the audio recordings analysis was highly publicized….the fbi/ss said assassin shot and a ss sniper team shot….2 shooters….then then they changed to assassin, ss sniper team, and le sniper….3 shooters….

    We’ll probably find out the truth in 75 years….like the JFK assassination.

  6. I still say someone very powerful, not mentioning any names, but her initials are Nancy Pelosi ordered the SS to allow Crooks to take his shot at killing Trump before they made sure he’d never talk to anyone by shutting him up permanently. If you don’t think democrats are capable of committing murder to get rid of Trump you’re not paying attention.

  7. Higgins is one of a handful of Congressmen that I deem trustworthy. I read his preliminary report several times and he is forced to concede several points because TPTB are holding back or have destroyed evidence.

    A video just released shows local LEO bitching about how they had repeatedly warned the USSS about specific positions they needed to cover. And didn’t. In Higgins report, other local LEO report they had again repeatedly told the USSS to p/u provided phones for communication which again, they ignored.

    100% an inside job.

  8. A few of many questions and actions during the attempted assassination.

    Question: How long did it take for Crooks to fire eight rounds before the anti-snipers (with eyes-on) responded with the kill shot that stopped Crooks?

    Additionally, sound investigations of the sound waves recorded from the podium microphone indicated two, to possibly three, different shooters with two, to three, different firearm rounds along with two to three, distances from the podium where Trump was standing.


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