Hikers With Camo and Backpacks Looking For Bathroom Cause Lockdown at Ohio Islamic Center – IOTW Report

Hikers With Camo and Backpacks Looking For Bathroom Cause Lockdown at Ohio Islamic Center

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Who could blame the hikers? The Islamic symbol is exactly what we used for the vents on outhouses.

Toledo Blade

Three reportedly suspicious people who approached the Toledo Muslim Community Center Tuesday afternoon were travelers who needed to use the building’s restroom, police said.

The center at 5045 W. Sylvania Rd. went into lockdown following the call to police at 2:39 p.m. Witnesses inside the center saw two men and one woman, who wore camouflage clothing and carried backpacks, said Toledo police Lt. Joe Heffernan.

Sylvania Township Police detained the three at the intersection of Spring Mill Court and Corey Road shortly after Toledo police were called to the scene, Lieutenant Heffernan said.

Those three, whose names police did not release, were questioned and released without being arrested, he said.

Lieutenant Heffernan said people across the country are being “hypervigilant” following recent attacks and the center went under lockdown following the perceived threat.


HT/ Di


We’re being hypervigilant????? It seems that hypervigilence is a one way street.

Most dumbasses want to welcome in 100s of thousands of “suspicious people” to use “our bathrooms.”


18 Comments on Hikers With Camo and Backpacks Looking For Bathroom Cause Lockdown at Ohio Islamic Center

  1. Wait . . . the goat fuckers were racial-profiling white people, weren’t they?

    What racist, intolerant, fascist, bigoted, judgmental, microaggressing, politically incorrect, child-raping, goat-fucking, xenophobic, bastards!

  2. I’m not a big fan of camo either. I don’t wear camo or tactical clothing.
    It draws too much attention. I just wear a sport coat and slacks. Or.
    A three piece suit.
    And I don’t hunt.
    But I do carry. When I go to the range I’m called the professor.

  3. Allahu Crapbar!
    When the Obamas need to be dropped off at the pool, shouldn’t it be at a Mosque?
    Where else could they be excreted in the direction of Mecca?
    Obviously this is a racist Mosque and a hate crime investigation needs to be started immediately.

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