Hillary 2.0 – IOTW Report

Hillary 2.0

The frailty, the flip-flops, the conflicts abroad and, of course, the messy family life: Joe Biden’s campaign is looking like a bad sequel.

13 Comments on Hillary 2.0

  1. All of these pukes are just auditioning to be the face of the party, it’s the dangerously subversive scum behind the scenes that are our biggest concern. Obama wasn’t the brains behind his administration, just it’s figurehead. The same goes for these candidates.
    How we root out these treacherous animals is our challenge.

  2. They weren’t flip-flops. They were sturdy Birkenstocks and comfortable flats. And no shoe should ever be separated from its partner like that. Please, Joe, tell them now to toss me in the van with you if it comes to that.


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