Hillary Asks Twitter for Movie Suggestions, Gets Gloriously Trolled – IOTW Report

Hillary Asks Twitter for Movie Suggestions, Gets Gloriously Trolled

Fox News

As the former first couple sit out quarantine after Hillary Clinton tested positive for COVID, she thought it would be keen if Twitter followers gave them suggestions on movies they should watch.

They discovered plenty of people not enamored with the Clintons still on Twitter. More

29 Comments on Hillary Asks Twitter for Movie Suggestions, Gets Gloriously Trolled

  1. …any book on spousal murder/suicide is a good choice.

    She’s already got the “murder” part down, of course, so she could just skip to the “suicide” part and do us all a favor…

  2. “…movie suggestions she or her husband could watch…”

    …she OR her husband?

    Was that a mistake, or acknowledging the long standing realities of their purely political “marriage”?

    …somehow, I can’t see Hillz sharing a blanket with Bill as they watch a romcom together, but I damn sure know who’d have the remote if they DID…

  3. …but in movies, Bill’s tastes would run more towards “Debbie Does Dallas” and “Bang The Bum Slowly”, while Hillary would watch gangster movies and Ancient Roman dramas as well as ’30s newsreels on Nazi Germany for “How To” tips, but she probably WOULD watch a porno if it involved child rape and/or was a “snuff” movie.

    …you know, like the one where she kills Vince Foster after sex, then has her security detail drag the body to the park.

    …if you hear Hillary laughing, it’s probably that one…

  4. …I bet Hillary has an HD quality copy of “The Triumph Of The Will” by Leni Riefenstahl in her (very large) underwear drawer, bet she never gets tired of THAT one…

  5. jellybean
    MARCH 25, 2022 AT 1:32 PM
    “If she’s interested in reading material how about reading the U.S. Constitution, she’d be surprised what’s in it.”

    MARCH 25, 2022 AT 1:34 PM
    “If that’s too long of a read for her she can try the Ten Commandments, also has surprising content for her.”

    …she actually knows both very well, her father the devil taught them to her so she’d know what rules she could use against OTHER people while taking delight in violating them herself, just because she CAN…

    “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”
    Romans 1:32

    …yep, that’s Hillary…

  6. “Hotel Rwanda” might be a good title as well, but I was thinking more of a courtroom drama like “The Verdict” or how about “I Confess” now that the president is going after them for millions in damages.

  7. Gonorrhea With The Wind

    Perfect for Bill n’ Hill’s viewing pleasure – they can relate. He’s got an STD and she farts too much.

    (This is a recycled joke of mine that I used on Ann Coulter’s Chat site)

  8. Bill And Ted’s Big Adventure.

    Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy go cruising in Miami Beach for hot chicks, take a wrong turn and end up driving off the last pier in Key West. Teddy was the designated driver.

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