Hillary Called Out for “Hispandering” – IOTW Report

Hillary Called Out for “Hispandering”

In an attempt to humanize their candidate among Hispanic voters, the democrat frontrunner came up with “7 things Hillary Clinton has in common with your abuela” [grandmother.]


 This spawned the hashtag reply of #NotMyAbuela.




11 Comments on Hillary Called Out for “Hispandering”

  1. “7 things Hillary Clinton has in common with your abuela”

    1. My abuela had to pick coffee beans as a child… Hillary once had to actually order her own coffee at a campaign-stop.
    2. My abuela had to raise a family of 10 on hand-ground corn tortillas…. Hillary has actually buttered & eaten corn-on-the-cob (although her dentures no longer permit this activity).
    3. My abuela walked 10 miles to the local general store to pick up her weekly mail…. Hillary unlawfully has a private server for her mail.
    4. My abuela had all her children by natural childbirth…. Hillary had Chelsea with a total saddle block & exclaimed afterwards, ‘That’s the last time I’ll ever let a cock get anywhere near me!”.
    5. My abuela had a husband that came home every night after a long day of back-breaking work…. Hillary had to wait to lather down Billy’s ‘Slick Willy’ & blame it on ‘bimbo eruptions’
    6. My abuela never had the fortune of driving a car …. Hillary insists that underlings drive her around.
    7. My abuela never asked any one of her daughters to pro-create to give her any advantage in life…. Hillary makes Chelsea pop out a kid right before election time.

  2. The problem is that the #notmyabuela will get their vote next November. She might not be their abuela but the free shit she promises them is just as good as their abuelas homemade tortillas.

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