Hillary Celebrates a Day Without Hairdressers – IOTW Report

Hillary Celebrates a Day Without Hairdressers

Actually, this look for Hillary is pretty good. She can play rhythm guitar for the Kinks… in 1969.

HT/ mel.

Hillary Clinton Takes To Snapchat On International Women’s Day: ‘Stand Up. Resist. Run For Office’

27 Comments on Hillary Celebrates a Day Without Hairdressers

  1. Stand up. Resist. Scream at citizens using ugly insults. Be a useful idiot. Poop your pants and blame everyone else for it. Fly on a broom. Cackle. Bark like a dog.

    Never mind. Why am I wasting your time?

  2. I think she’s going to assume room temperature before she can cause to many problems. Most the recent picture of her show her left eye staring at her right ear. That can’t be good.

  3. A rich corrupt fool, surrounded by paid enabling fools, plays The Fool attempting to fool her foolish dwindling fools.

    Not fooling us.

    Lock her up.
    Lock them all up.

  4. One time, Killary was at a titty bar with Orca Winfrey. She got so drunk that she vomited all over the front of her designer boiler suit from Juche Couture. Killary freaked out, saying “oh fuck! Bill will kill me if he sees me like this. He’ll figure out that I was at a titty bar again!”

    Orca Winfrey said ” relax. Here, just leave this ten dollar bill sticking out of your chest pocket and tell him someone else threw up on you and they felt so bad they gave you ten bucks to get it dry cleaned.”

    So Killary gets in the ScoobyDoo EMT van and goes home to Bill. Bill asks her “what the fuck, bitch. Why is there vomit all over you?” Killary tells Bill someone threw up on her and gave her ten bucks for the drycleaning. So Bill asks Killary, “okay, but why is there twenty dollars in your pocket?”

    Killary replied “oh, that’s because they shit in my boiler suit too!”

  5. Umm…you did Stand up, Resist, and Run For Office.

    You got your ass kicked from coast to coast.

    Now sit down, shut up, and let the grown-ups get to cleaning up the mess you made.

  6. I believe this picture has been reversed. In real life her left eye is brain-whacked, and in this picture it shows it as her left. She looks like an aging porn star giving out lollypops.

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