Hillary Clinton backer paid $500G to fund women accusing Trump of sexual misconduct – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton backer paid $500G to fund women accusing Trump of sexual misconduct


One of Hillary Clinton’s wealthy pals paid $500,000 in an unsuccessful effort to fund women willing to accuse President Trump of sexual misconduct before the 2016 election, The New York Times reported Sunday.

Susie Tompkins Buell, the founder of Esprit Clothing and a major Clinton campaign donor for many years, gave the money to celebrity lawyer Lisa Bloom who was working with a number of Trump accusers at the time, according to the paper’s bombshell report.

Bloom solicited donors by saying she was working with women who might “find the courage to speak out” against Trump if the donors would provide funds for security, relocation and possibly a “safe house,” the paper reported.

Former Clinton nemesis turned Clinton operative David Brock also donated $200,000 to the effort through a nonprofit group he founded, the paper reported in an article entitled, “Partisans, Wielding Money, Begin Seeking to Exploit Harassment Claims.”

Bloom told the Times that the effort was unproductive. One woman requested $2 million then decided not to come forward. Nor did any other women.

Bloom said she refunded most of the cash, keeping only some funds for out-of-pocket expenses accrued while working to vet and prepare cases.

The lawyer told the paper she did not communicate with Clinton or her campaign “on any of this.”

She also maintained that she represented only clients whose stories she had corroborated and disputed the premise that she offered money to coax clients to come forward, the paper reported.


She got no takers.

What does that say?

16 Comments on Hillary Clinton backer paid $500G to fund women accusing Trump of sexual misconduct

  1. The best evidence is always that which has been bought and paid for by an enemy.

    Don’t consider that accusations based on merit should be prized in our court system except when high priced lawyers, hatred, and deep state politics can manufacture evidence from the mere existence of a desire to harm another person’s livelihood, ambition, or status.

  2. GROUCHO (to woman seated next to him at an elegant dinner party): Would you sleep with me for ten million dollars?

    WOMAN (giggles and responds): Oh, Groucho, of course I would.

    GROUCHO; How about doing it for fifteen dollars?

    WOMAN (indignant): Why, what do you think I am?

    GROUCHO: That’s already been established. Now we’re just haggling about the price.

  3. Brock needs to be investigated for financial fraud. He has set up a group of non-profits that he controls that he pays for research, rent and other fees. All the money goes back into his pocket, laundered, hidden from taxes.

    Calling Jeff Sessions!


  5. If only…. if only… if only there were some sort of list. A list of every entity that gives money to people that call you enemy. A list of every entity that gives money to people that give money to people that call you enemy. You could decide to not fund your own execution. If you wanted to, of course.

  6. “Bloom said she refunded most of the cash, keeping only some funds for out-of-pocket expenses accrued while working to vet and prepare cases.”

    In other words, she kept most of the cash.

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