Hillary Clinton Belief – Yes, world has ‘right’ to immigrate to U.S. – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Belief – Yes, world has ‘right’ to immigrate to U.S.

God save us from this woman.


Do people around the world have a right to move to the United States? It’s a bedrock belief of most conservatives that there is no such right. The U.S. sets its own immigration policy, admits whom it chooses, and foreign nationals in foreign countries have no right — a claim that could be pursued in court — to enter the United States.

Now, Hillary Clinton says there is such a right, at least if a tweet from her campaign headquarters can be taken for a policy pronouncement.


11 Comments on Hillary Clinton Belief – Yes, world has ‘right’ to immigrate to U.S.

  1. The DemoRAT Party led by Obama, Clinton and other assorted malevolent freaks and craziests, funded by crony billionaires like Soros, Buffet, Steyer, Sukerborg, et al, are the largest Hate America and terrorist-enabling organization in the world!

  2. Cankles does not concern herself with the invaders and their well being. What does grab her foggy brain is more individuals to worship her, more pockets to pick for their last buck, and more people’s lives to make MORE miserable than her own. Beyond that it is all about Hillary and no one else matters.

  3. Actually, It is the federal government’s responsibility to protect us from foeeign invasion, and if it fails to do so, it is the citizens’ right to do so. Thank the founding father for the 2nd Amendment.

  4. Without immigration, the Democrats would be a dead party, or one that was more moderate and mainstream. It’s not about anything except the fact that ninety percent of these immigrants are going to vote for Democrats for several generations. Ronald Reagan couldn’t carry California if he was running for office today. Soon, Texas will follow California and become a guaranteed Democrat state, and then it’s adios America. Welcome to the great Third World Shithole! This is nothing less than treason.

  5. Not many years ago nations watched their borders. Nowadays, the brain functions of national leaders have all malfunctioned in a mass cultural suicide.

    I keep hearing that various “populist” parties in Western countries are gaining support, but their leaders never seem to get elected.

    Too large a wave of immigrants. Nice culture while it lasted.

  6. Bitch can’t even think straight. But then,drunks aren’t known for their great reasoning skills.

    The United States does NOT get to decide what rights the citizens of other countries have. But WE have the right to decide that we are a sovereign nation, and can admit or turn away immigrants based on standards WE decide.

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