Hillary Clinton, Wife of alleged rapist, Endorses Joe Biden during virtual town hall – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton, Wife of alleged rapist, Endorses Joe Biden during virtual town hall

This is supposed to help him? LOL!

Just The News: Hillary Clinton endorses Joe Biden for president Tuesday afternoon during a virtual “Women’s Town Hall.”

“It’s a real pleasure to be here with you and to be part of this very important discussion,” Clinton said. “And I am thrilled to be part of your campaign to not only endorse you, but to help highlight a lot of the issues that are at stake in this presidential election.” more

17 Comments on Hillary Clinton, Wife of alleged rapist, Endorses Joe Biden during virtual town hall

  1. ** Breaking **

    (AP) Washington, D.C.: Vice President Hillary Rodham Clinton announced that President Biden passed away in his sleep and that she is ready to take the oath of office as President.

  2. Funnier than that is that the tele townhall started and these geezers stared into the camera from their basements for 30 seconds, staring into the camera without speaking.

    Ultimately Biden opens up introducing the woman ‘who should be president’.

    Pathetic. Really pathetic.

    They should have been using ear horns hollering “Huh?”

    Stupid on stilts.

  3. Why do you think the pedo has been so coy about a minority female selection? He only pledged it would be a woman because he takes his marching orders from Hillezibub…

    You think for one second that racist bitch is going to let a minority take her precious?

  4. This took longer than the one from the Very Former President Baracky Osmidgen. They had to coordinate this endorsement between when she was sober and he was wide awake. What a pair of losers. He can’t remember why he’s running for office, and she can’t forget why she didn’t win. I sure hope he gets the nomination, although Obiden Bama will probably make her campaign look like a great success story. They can both sell their memoirs together at Costco when this is finally over.

  5. The caption under Shameless Shillary’s Photo…
    Should include Lesbian, Alcoholic, Traitor, Murderer,
    Sent national secrets on public lines, sold American Uranium to Russia,
    accepted Russian bribes, violated oath of office, Lover of Money.

  6. Do you not see how much they have polished the turd known as Hillezibub?

    Hundreds of thousands have gone into her face, body, hair, and wardrobe to reinvigorate her once fat corpse.

    Look at the oh so juvenile and coquetish new doo with its single little girl braid. Look at the weight loss and plastic surgery.

    Do you think for a single second she will not be the nominee?

    As presumed nominee Pedo Joe is already 20 million behind the Lizard Queens March 2016 haul, and that is after the dirty digit dumbass raised 47 million after Bernie dropped to his knees.

    The Bitch of Satan’s Service is the BoSS of the DNC and owns the Demonrat donor class. Her coronation started the second she lost.

    No one is going to have the precious but her.


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