Hillary Dances Like a Grandmama in Da Bronx – IOTW Report

Hillary Dances Like a Grandmama in Da Bronx

Actually, she’s in Washington Heights, right on the border of Manhattan and Da Bronx, across the Harlem River.

You really want to be nauseated? See video below read more—>


12 Comments on Hillary Dances Like a Grandmama in Da Bronx

  1. You have to ask yourself, why are Presidential aspirants dancing in public? Have they no sense of dignity? No shame? No gravitas, so to speak? Is it a serious job, or isn’t it?

    To ask is to answer.

    The Republic is dead and we now have dancing fools vying for the “head hog” position.

    We mustn’t weep for America – for we squandered it – we gave it away – we pissed on our legacy – we traded the Greatest Nation in the History of the World for a cup of mortgaged rice.

    Watch the cavorting murderer and then look in the mirror.


    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Tim, To say I squandered opportunity while America was going down is to say I didn’t shoot the motherfuckers along the way. Pols and the voters who put them in.

    If there was another option I missed, tell me.

    Voting against all this crap and illuminating the progs to their folly when faced with it sure didn’t work.

  3. The reason the Mad Hatter Bernard and Hittlery are videod dancing is to project the false image and hope that good times are ahead…it’s staged, it is scripted, and i bet you Cankles had to soak her boats for hours before and after.
    Seek the truth, folks…smoke and mirrors are all that is left to the Dhimmos….While faction infighting between Preebus, Cruzzie and Trump rip apart the Repubes…Trump needs to stop sounding like a fog horn and get his shit in gear…Cruz needs to look in the mirror..he is butt ugly and twisted around the axle known as Heidi and NAU. (North American Union aka EU West)…

  4. Dadof4,
    We … as in We, the People, not you, as in Dadof4.
    Do you think it’s an accident?
    Socialism just drizzled out of the clouds to destroy America?
    Did America just fall asleep in 1913 and wake up in 2016 to a shitty, fucked up, swirling-the-toilet-America?

    I certainly did MY part!

    Turned my back on God.
    Refused to respect my elders.
    Scoffed at “morals” and “values.”
    Cursing in public.
    Cursing in front of women.

    Maybe that’s “just the way it is” and there’s nothing anyone or anything can do about it. Maybe it all “just happens.” Maybe it’s all just some kind of weird nightmare.

    You tell me.

    izlamo delenda est …

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