Hillary Does Such Back Breaking Work She Has To Wear a Brace – IOTW Report

Hillary Does Such Back Breaking Work She Has To Wear a Brace

What hump?


53 Comments on Hillary Does Such Back Breaking Work She Has To Wear a Brace

  1. She’s either a spineless lying bitch who has a need for a back brace OR this is to camouflage the horns that run up and down her spine after she sold her soul to satan.

  2. I saw today at TGP in the comments to this story a reader suggest that it’s a Parkinson’s brace. Couple that with the polio crutches she had recently and all her falls and it’s still a vast right wing conspiracy that she is a sick crippled clumsy drunken parkie.

  3. Looks like a volt-pack to me….likely installed after the van incident. Popular with British bike owners, anyone familiar with limey bikes, knows that Lucas(aka,the prince of darkness) electronics sucked, you had to substitute.
    I’d say her handlers give her a jolt when she nears falling or babbling.
    Either that or it’s a flask, anyone see a sucking tube?

  4. Battery pack?? Think about it. Maybe that day she had to be pitched into the van after being propped up like a roll of carpet, her battery needed recharging. Then a couple hours later, she appeared fresh as a daisy. Evil robot. That’s the ticket….

    OMG. Just saw Bongo’s post. GMTA!

  5. I would check to see if there is a hose coming out of it within easy reach of her mouth for a little bit of that Stoli she scored from her Ruskie buddies.

  6. Comments elsewhere suggest a portable defibrillator. Maybe. But after searching images for insulin pump (no!), portable dialysis (hell,no!) and medical corset, I think it’s a heavy duty back brace. The kind you would need if your spine was collapsing. Bones breaking down. Osteoporosis. Foot fractures. Toe fractures. Wrist fractures. Brittle bone disease? I dunno. I also searched images for Baron Harkonen. Now THAT would be a great Photoshop, Fur! Hillary floating thru the air, supported by various medical tubes and wires!

  7. Merry Mouse is dead on…osteoporosis, spinal stenosis plus a probably TIA or stroke. Foot drop, brittle bone disease and sciatic nerve issues….

    It pleasures me that she is probably suffering….

  8. And what’s up with the scarves? She’s been wearing them everywhere lately.

    Why can’t that sick woman just stay home and take some rest? Her hatred is eating herself up. And it’s contagious. The whole left seems to be ill and dying slowly.

  9. I’d claim that it’s my boot up her ass, but I have never gotten that close.

    So when will her accommodations at Club Fed be ready for her long staycation?

  10. Hillary needs an exoskeleton… connected by an intricate series of levers and pumps, this alcohol powered device chugs along like a Russian tractor.

  11. When you’re such a pathological liar you have to force even your clothes to be part of a big cover up, it’s time to get professional help.

  12. Maybe she’s just carrying a bar on her back! She has to have alcohol to breathe, like fish outta water, so this makes the only sense!

    THIS is the original ‘bar back’!

  13. Very possibly a cardiac Life Vest, there are two rectangular panels on the back.

    I have to chuckle. She spent so many years creating a Clinton dynasty/brand and a team to support that brand, it has taken on a life of its own. Now that she’s failing, it won’t let her go quietly into the night. It’s Weekend at Bernie’s.

  14. Her condition seems to be progressing and getting worse. Which means maybe she won’t be able to continue to go on her whine tours. I’ve no doubt she’ll have an assistant write up her commie thoughts and publish them or send them as press releases. At least she’ll be gone from the stage.
    I noticed the scarves lately. Wrapped right up to her chin. She’s probably trying to cover the front of the back brace.

  15. If the powers that be are not prosecuting her out of pity for her physical issues then they are as corrupt and disgusting as she is.
    No sympathy for the decadent.

  16. Yesterday I went to vote early at the courthouse and saw a woman with a t-shirt that said “And still she persisted.”

    I’d like someone to make me a shirt that says “And still she persisted…in stumbling into irrelevance.”

    Or “in making a fool of herself” or “in the never-ending whine tour” or “in embarrassing herself” or “in her long downhill slide.” The possibilities are endless.

    That would really piss off her fangirls. 😀


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