Hillary, Her Goons, And Liberal Dark Money – IOTW Report

Hillary, Her Goons, And Liberal Dark Money

Daily Caller:

Scott Walter | President, Capital Research Center.

OPINION: Liberal Dark Money — Allegations Against American Bridge’s Mike Stark Raise Questions About Civility And Campaign Finance.


Earlier this month, Hillary Clinton told CNN:

You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about … That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.

The former Secretary of State should be careful how her language resonates with her base, given that at least one liberal operative appears to have taken her at her uncivil word.

On October 16, an employee of former-conservative-turned-Clinton-cheerleader David Brock’s American Bridge 21stCentury super PAC named Wilfred Michael Stark allegedly assaulted Kristin Davison, the campaign manager of the Republican candidate for Nevada’s governor, Adam Laxalt. (Besides funding his super PAC, Brock helped start Media Matters for America, and authored “Confessions of a Right-Wing Hit Man.”)

Stark was tracking the Nevada governor’s race for American Bridge when he accosted Kristin Davison.

Police arrested Stark after he allegedly twisted Ms. Davison’s arm, pushed her, and refused to let her go after she yelled for him to stop. Davison’s two colleagues came to her aid and Las Vegas City Marshals later arrested Stark. (Stark has since denied responsibility for her physical injuries.)

Stark has a track record of uncivil actions toward women working in conservative and Republican circles. In March, Stark allegedly pushed Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s press secretary, Heather Swift. (He was later acquitted due to a lack of evidence.) Last year, police arrested the tracker when he was following Ed Gillespie’s gubernatorial campaign.

For those unfamiliar with the job, trackers are essentially opposition researchers who follow candidates on the campaign trail, recording candidates at speaking events in the hope that they say something embarrassing. But political campaigns aren’t the only thing these operatives track.

At this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, my organization, the Capital Research Center (CRC) encountered the very same tracker.  more here

2 Comments on Hillary, Her Goons, And Liberal Dark Money

  1. It sounds to me as though Mr. Stark should run into someone – preferably a smallish female – who is well trained in self defense methods. In short, he needs to have his head ripped off and shoved up his nether regions. Karma. Where are you when we need you?

    Perhaps he should consult with that Cromwell asshat.


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