Hillary Insults 2020 Male Dem Presidential Candidates: Some Of Them Are ‘Not Likable’ – IOTW Report

Hillary Insults 2020 Male Dem Presidential Candidates: Some Of Them Are ‘Not Likable’

Pot meet kettle.


Hillary thinks questions about a candidate’s likability are sexist but turned the idea into an insult on male Democrat candidates.

“There have already been all these stories about them, ‘Are they likable enough?’ For heaven’s sakes, that is such a sexist question. And yet it is asked all the time.”

“And you look at these guys who are running and some of them I can tell you from personal experience are not likable.”

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23 Comments on Hillary Insults 2020 Male Dem Presidential Candidates: Some Of Them Are ‘Not Likable’

  1. Ahhh … Mx Hillary would know ALL about “like-ability” now, wouldn’t she?

    She’s one of the more annoying creatures on Earth – up there with hyenas and those bugs that give you the shitz.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. It would never occur to her that being unlikable is one of the main reasons she lost the election.

    (I’m sure she still believes it’s because the Russians interfered.)

  3. I wuz just thinking that the poor old Baltmer Orioles should have Hillary Clinton day at Camden yards where the tickets cost two dollars each and everybody gets an old bat (just don’t let it fly away). At the beginning of the game they throw out the first bitch and at the end Monica Lewinsky get a trophy for getting hit on the chin with balls the most number of times!

  4. Oh of course. And you’re such a sweet likeable person yourself Hillary, so we definitely can and should trust your judgement on this. I mean it’s not like one of the major reasons you lost the election was because of how creepy and snobby and just plain unlikable you are… Haha. 🙂

  5. …if she hates them so much, maybe she should have the Russians prepare a dossier on them.

    …you know, like an insurance policy.

    …I hear she’s got some experience with that, wonder how it turned out? /s

  6. “You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you,”

    “And you look at these guys who are running and some of them I can tell you from personal experience are not likable.”

    What a Debbie Downer. I can’t believe the media still gives time to this bitter, maudlin drunk. She’s never been good at politics and now she’s ill and insane. But by all means, media, keep giving us dispatches from the Nervous Hospital. It’s Important what Madam Wrecksitary thinks.

  7. I wonder how many seconds between her saying,

    “There have already been all these stories about them, ‘Are they likable enough?’ For heaven’s sakes, that is such a sexist question. And yet it is asked all the time.”

    and then saying,

    “And you look at these guys who are running and some of them I can tell you from personal experience are not likable.”?

    She just answered what she said was a sexist question with a sexist answer. Does she not see that? Has her brain been rotted with leftist mold so badly that she doesn’t know?


    P.S. “For heaven’s sakes”. Oh, honey, you DON’T want to bring Heaven up, now do you? You have no idea who you are dealing with when you invoke God. But you will find out. And, I promise, you won’t like it.

  8. The deplorable unlikables even more so.
    I not only like Trump for what he’s doing to the country, but also what he’s doing to the left – more and more they only display how limited they are.


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