Hillary is Fine, We Swear – IOTW Report

15 Comments on Hillary is Fine, We Swear

  1. Whatever her primary ailment(s) it is clear they can no longer control the symptoms and they come on suddenly and without warning. How many times in the next 10 weeks are they going to have to come out smiling and swearing up and down what we see is it not reality.

  2. This Newmonia is hitting the elites pretty hard. Chuck Schumer got the newmonias, Robby Mook got them, and a bunch of other Clinton people, too. I wonder if McCain will get the newmonias, too.

    “I’m Sick With Her”

  3. I’m “shocked! SHOCKED!”
    he didn’t blame the video
    for this situation.

    We’re WELL beyond the
    “truuuuuust meeeeee” phase.

    DROP DEAD, illary.
    On November 6th.

  4. Perhaps she has a gift from Bill, a pernicious case of STD, which is known to attack the brain. Sure would explain a lot; ill temper, secretive, lying, befuddlement, suspicion, & etc.

  5. When the Camp Clintons got caught with the body double lie, now all credibility is blown. The fat lady sang, the curtain on the world stage has dropped. Cankles may already be dead for all we know. You can bet Soros is in heavy duty conference calls with the DNC leadership to handpick the next one, and it (drat the luck!) won’t be Timmy Kaine.

  6. AlBert GoreBert, It’s more about the cover up of the obvious.

    The attempt at deceit here is the real show.

    The pants are down. The drawn curtain has flapped in the wind.

    Anyone who cares to look, sees what is.

    And yet they lie lie lie.

    This is about exposing those who cover for her with all the lies.

    That is what needs exposure and, ultimately, defeating.

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