Hillary is no match for Trump on Twitter – IOTW Report

Hillary is no match for Trump on Twitter

ICYMI….Hillary Clinton should avoid competing on her enemy’s turf…

Donald Trump tweeted this:

trump tweets at hillary

See what happened next, at Wizbang

18 Comments on Hillary is no match for Trump on Twitter

  1. Colon person- 😀

    Preezies get a bump after every tragedy. It’s always been that way. The people who aren’t quite paying attention think it’s good that a leader comes out to chat with the unwashed to calm them down.

  2. I can’t remember where I read it now, but Trump tweeted that out during the business meeting last week. During the meeting — not at a bathroom break. That is what effective people do when there is a slight lull in the business at hand.

  3. I wonder what it’s going to look like when all the warring factions — Gays, BLM, Occupy, et al — are on the same side under Trump. How he’s able to herd all those cats will be one for the history books. They can’t all be quarterbacks. lol

  4. Hellary doesn’t know what she’s up against. Trump stomped her using just one of her many criminal activities. Love it! The heartless, evil cow is out of her league on social media.

  5. Trump is who he is.
    Hilary is what her staff and polling groups advise
    Trump’s authenticity cannot be faked
    Hilary is completely fake
    Observing Trump, one can tell he’s a fun guy to be around.
    Observing Hilary, one can tell she’s a cold bitch to be around (unless she wants something).
    The atmosphere in the Trump Camp is convivial and friendly, and businesslike.
    The Hilary camp is run like a Korean Military Brigade complete with trials and executions
    Everything about Hilary is repellent and distasteful.
    If I woke up in a cage, and Aliens told me I had to have sex with Hilary to save the species, my reply would be:
    “Humans have had a good run, let’s not be unfair to the up and coming species”

  6. @Lazlo, great post !! I agree completely about homo sapiens.
    They had a good run.

    @Mickey Moussaoui, “Hillary & Obama love to kill gay people”.
    I dunno…wouldn’t that represent a conflict of interest?

  7. I think I read it here on IOTWreport but all of these leftwing special interest groups defending Moslemism is very much a Stockholm Syndrome scenario. And another thing said on here is that its like hoping that by being nice to the cannibals, that they will eat you last. But the Filthy Moslem Savage cannibals WILL eat you. Doesn’t matter if you are homosexual, leftist, environmentalist, a union member, Hispanic, atheist, no-longer-practicing Jewish atheist, WHATEVS….

    With Moslemism, once the Filthy Moslem Savages are running your country with their Satan-worshipping horror-show Sharia Law bullshit, there are only three things you can choose – 1) convert to Islam, 2) refuse to give up Christianity or Hinduism etc and and be forced by the Moslems to “dhimmi” status (second class citizenship where you have zero rights, you are forced to pay a 33% religious tax and if you can’t pay your taxes they can legally enslave you and sell you, they also can draft your male sons to be “Janiserries” – Christian soldiers forced to convert to Islam and used by Moslems against other Christians in battle), OR 3) taken by the Filthy Moslem savage gummint and subjected to a gruesome death in the public square to keep the others in line.

    ISLAM = Forced Conversion, Forced Subjugation, Death. Pick One.


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