Hillary Official Portrait is Unveiled – IOTW Report

Hillary Official Portrait is Unveiled


34 Comments on Hillary Official Portrait is Unveiled

  1. isn’t that the same dress that Hagilla wore during her famous screed of ‘what difference, at this point, does it make?’ concerning the sacrifice of life that 4 American men made in Benghazi?

    quite fitting, don’t you think?

  2. She calls it “an incredibly emotional moment.”

    Yes, so “incredible.”
    Even more incredible than U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens being dragged through Benghazi streets until dead because you stood down and let 4 soldiers perish because it would be a smudge on Obama’s reelection.

    Hey. No skin off your nose, right?

  3. Excellent meme material for someone who can do it:
    same pic (including the “at this point…” ),
    just change the US flag in the painting to the Russian flag (old communist red, or new white/blue/red)

  4. soul-less ghoul is about to die and is desperate to live on somehow. Fear not you gaseous bag of filth- you will live eternity with Satan. As for the amateurish painting, I’m sure she will get tired of carrying around.

  5. Beachmom — I read that at GP, too! I think they’re right. The artist was probably going for affable and kindly, but ended up with pie-eyed. I think, in this way, the artist did capture her inner essence.

    Why, pray tell, are cabinet employees having “official portraits” done at our expense, anyway?

  6. The creature is NOT from New York . Mrs. Clinton was a last ditch effort for the Senate by Democrats because Caroline Kennedy couldn’t explain why SHE was running . Mrs. Clinton wouldn’t even do a “civilian salute” of the Flag – never mind pass the NY Bar Exam .


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