Hillary Reveals Bill’s Most Annoying Habit – IOTW Report

Hillary Reveals Bill’s Most Annoying Habit

Hillary reveals Bill’s most annoying habit (and it isn’t what you think it is)

is it:

  • Bill regularly forgets to shut off his bedside lamp leaving you-know-who to do it for him
  • Sniffs cigars with a nostalgic look
  • Calls out other women’s names when he doesn’t have sex with Hillary
  • Read more:


13 Comments on Hillary Reveals Bill’s Most Annoying Habit

  1. Yea, right! Sure, I believe that they share the same bed/bedroom, when they often aren’t even in the same house, let alone same state! Every time she ‘shares’ a bit of her fictional self, her mouth drips BULLSH.T.

  2. As David Geffen famously said: “They lie with such ease.”

    Hillary is incapable of speaking truthfully.
    She’s not even creative.
    That’s the best “complaint” she can come up with?
    I’m surprised she didn’t say that he leaves the cap off the toothpaste !
    If she were truthful, I bet she’d say something like:
    “I just wish he would hurry up and fucking DIE !!”

  3. I don’t know,
    Repeatedly sticking his dick in other women?
    Drawing Breath?
    Not carrying Hot Sauce?
    Not teaching her how to lie effectively?
    Always threatening to grow a ‘flavor saver’?

  4. So the leftist media is trying to soften us up with cute little “Newlywed Game”-style stories about the adorable fascist couple who will be appointed to replace the adorable fascist couple currently tainting the WH. Vomit.

  5. The Clinton approaches to appeal normal, friendly, non-hostile, are so bloody transparent. They don’t occupy the same state, he hangs mostly in Little Rock, while Hittlery is all over the place, shunning him, only calling when she needs more “advice” on how to be less “UNLIKEABLE”…meanwhile both Hill and Bill keep a wary eye on the demon child who is out to depose and replace both of them, while making off with the Clinton Cartel millions…what a sweet little down home Arky family, don’t you think?

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