Hillary Shuts Off The Wi-Fi On Her Campaign Plane So Press Can’t See/Report Story On FBI Reopening Her Criminal Case – IOTW Report

Hillary Shuts Off The Wi-Fi On Her Campaign Plane So Press Can’t See/Report Story On FBI Reopening Her Criminal Case

Everybody knows her pal Comey told her about this in advance. And that’s why she ordered the plane’s wi-fi turned off. Excerpted From The American Mirror: A bombshell rocked the presidential campaign today, and reporters…

More at Pat Dollard

Ht/ Rob E.

23 Comments on Hillary Shuts Off The Wi-Fi On Her Campaign Plane So Press Can’t See/Report Story On FBI Reopening Her Criminal Case

  1. toooooo late Gramma….we KNOW..the world knows…. looking for a teeny tiny violin to play while you enjoy that teeny sliver of cheese served with your whine.. DOES SHE EVEN GET how deplorable this makes her look? Destitute and Deplorable.

  2. LOL – HRC censors news for the media. Problem resolved. I love the rational of the left – why is this coming out 11 days before the election, the timing stinks, is suspicious etc. Same media that had no problem accepting and running with Trump groping stories, without even checking them out, within a month of the election. Trump, who has been in the public eye for 30+ years and never had a claim suddenly has a dozen but that isn’t suspicious and when he points that out they act like that is just another sign of his guilt. Can’t have it both ways guys.

  3. If you were a member of the press, on board that plane of Gramma’s, and you found out you were shackled and had corncobs stuffed in your ears and blinders put on…how would you react? Would you keep kissing those fat feet of Cankles the Clown? If you would, you have lost all integrity and are the flea bitten curs with mange laying in the gutters. If you stood up and regardless of those twits in the control rooms kissing her fat feet, you actually spoke the truth, and then leave and go to where the truth is revered, not abominated, you may yet have hope for yourselves. Food for thought. But tarry not, for the day is coming when those places will be obliterated under Hillary’s regime.

  4. It’s getting real close to the time when the media has to decide whether they are going to fish or cut bait. Either they attempt to preserve what shreds of journalistic integrity they have left by starting to report the news without bias, or else they risk going down like rats in the hold of the sinking Hillary ship. It’s their call, and it will be interesting to see how they play it. Either way, we’re gonna be stuffed full of popcorn before this thing is over with.

  5. Something isn’t right. The same people who sat on stacks of wikileaks for weeks and weeks are now braying every fifteen minutes about The Great October Surprise Game-Changer. It’s either Clinton campaign theatre or a battle of Dem Titans behind the scenes.

    Are we going to see the underbusing of Huma next week? This is insane.

  6. BTW, certain nevertrumpers are unsettled by this October Surprise. They say this will unleash the last scandal barrage on Trump, but lament that it may get lost in the noise. SMDH

  7. I’m not that smart when it comes to tech but can’t you just switch to your carriers data.
    My wifi goes off all the time so I switch to AT&T LTE DATA PLAN.
    of course I don’t watch movies but I can do everything else.
    I think the jornolists just didn’t give a crap.

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