Hillary uses terms “Radical, Jihadist, Ideology, Terrorist, Organizations, Barbaric, Ruthless, Scourge, ISIS” – won’t say Muslim or Islam specifically – IOTW Report

Hillary uses terms “Radical, Jihadist, Ideology, Terrorist, Organizations, Barbaric, Ruthless, Scourge, ISIS” – won’t say Muslim or Islam specifically

Boy, she came close. We’reĀ pulling the left along. This is an improvement, but woefully falls short of actually identifying the precise problem.

What’s next, the left saying that we should shut down borders and rethink letting millions of Muslims infiltrate countries with the false promise of multiculturalism and diversity?

At least she said Jihad and ISIS.

Whoopdee doo da.

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48 Comments on Hillary uses terms “Radical, Jihadist, Ideology, Terrorist, Organizations, Barbaric, Ruthless, Scourge, ISIS” – won’t say Muslim or Islam specifically

  1. I’m voting for Bernie Sanders.
    Did you hear him?
    He’s going to give us free health care, free education, cheap pharmaceuticals and he’s going to do it by harmlessly taxing the rich 90%.
    What could go wrong??

    I’m IN, BABY!!!!!

    Shutting down iOTWreport. Sorry folks.
    I’m out!


    Sorry about that. I was wearing my BigTinfoilHat.
    I’m okay again.

  2. OHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
    Democrats would have secured the border if only the republicans would have discussed amnesty AFTER the border was secured.
    But we said we wouldn’t.

    (The right has no ability to lie, I guess.)

  3. Did you hear O’Malley?
    He said we need amnesty to prop up social security.
    Of course he said something nebulous about jobs, but he meant social security.
    Think about it, why do we care if Mexicans in Mexico have jobs?
    We shouldn’t.
    The government has so screwed us that they need to import in a mirror country of working age people to bail us out.
    If they don’t speak our language, share our culture, ethics, morals, beliefs means nothing to these monsters.
    This is the ultimate FUCK YOU to our citizenry.

    This is the crime of all ages. They know they will be killed by Americans if they fail the social security system.
    They are absolutely terrified.

  4. When asked how she can go after Wall St, after taking huge donations, her response is


    I saw this in an episode of Family Guy, where Lois is running for office, and any difficult question is answered with 9/11, to get everybody on her side.

  5. She dodged the shit out of the email question.
    That was painful.
    like a teenager coming home drunk and he says how he cleaned his room and took out the trash.

    She also said tax payers shouldn’t pay for Donald Trump’s kids college.

    Oh yeah, I forget, Hillary is flat broke!

  6. OK, rapping up the debate:

    “Bernie, you can spend the next 90 seconds telling those unruly teens to get off your lawn and for someone to answer that damn phone!”

    “Hillary, you can spend the next 90 seconds cackling like a demented crow.”

    “O’malley, can you explain why you won’t walk down the streets of Baltimore without a platoon of armed guards?”

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