Hillary vs. the rape protester – IOTW Report

Hillary vs. the rape protester

SHOCK VIDEO: Unhinged Hillary explodes on Bill ‘rapist’ protester. – AM

An unhinged Hillary Clinton erupted on a protester at her Fort Lauderdale, Florida rally on Tuesday night after he accused her husband of being a rapist.

As Clinton spoke, the protester shouted, “Bill Clinton is a rapist!” as the audience began to boo.

Hillary’s demeanor almost instantly changed and she became angry at the protester and screaming at him.


And then there’s this:

VIDEO: Clinton crowd attacks Bill ‘rapist’ protester


Allow me to paraphrase…. ‘You know, I am sick and tired of the negative, dark, divisive actions from people who support Hillary Clinton!!!’


24 Comments on Hillary vs. the rape protester

  1. Do I really have to watch more video of that bitch?
    Listening to Eleanor go on and on and on about how she’d love Hillary’s tree-trunk legs wrapped around her is enough to make me vomit. 👿

  2. Old skank Hillary is tired of hearing about BJ Billy The Rapist. Well, Hillary so are all the rest of us so pack your bags and go into permanent hiding and take BJ Billy and the chipmunk with you!

  3. Hellary laughed at Slick Willy’s victims who attended the debates, but being confronted by a heckler, shouting out her husband’s crimes sets her off. A so-called deplorable triggers Hellary’s true old guard Marxist personality and she becomes unhinged. What spiteful, hateful cow. She must never become president. Hellary will use that rage to destroy this country.

  4. She goes back to the bunker Friday, after an appearance in Pittsburgh for a GOTV somewhere undetermined. She won’t be out of detox until election day, when she’ll be ready to enjoy her fireworks early, and party all night long.

    But Donald Trump isn’t having a “Lost Weekend” like her. He’ll be out doing what it takes, while she’s laid up in bed, taking what will do. That fireworks barge may yet go back to the dock unspent.

  5. @Jon John November 2, 2016 at 10:11 am

    > Hillary clings to her pervert rapist husband with all the tentacles of a squid

    Let’s be fair. Even after generations of public service, would anyone actually vote for Hillary Rodham?

  6. Says the one who hires mentally ill people to beat up Trump supporters and injure policemen: “You know, I am sick and tired of the negative, dark, divisive vision from people who support Donald Trump,” she shouted before she was drowned out by the crowd.

    Hillary, QUEEN shrew of projecting.

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