Hillary’s Camp Pain – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Camp Pain


18 Comments on Hillary’s Camp Pain

  1. I hope I’m wrong, but right about now is when something really horrible usually happens, and our attention gets taken away from this disgusting display of contempt for the voters.

    The S has definitely HTF in the Clinton campaign. Funny how it’s DWS who takes the fall, not Clinton, who is obviously driving it all.

    Liars in the media colluding with the campaign need to be fired. If not, the employer is is just as guilty. Politico is a complete joke – now it’s on record.

  2. Hopefully what happens is the Bernie Sanders delegates go nuts on the floor and need to be dragged out kicking and screaming. Big deal, Hollywood star power – it is the same group of 20 that show up at every DNC event. It is going to be hard to effectively spin unity when you have a bunch of progressive lunatics unable and unwilling to control themselves.

  3. Ordinarily, I pay no attention to screwy religious prophecy, but I do have to admit that I’ve noticed something afoot for a long time. It sort of started with the first Repub debate, but I think it might have been earlier, even.

    Has anyone else heard of Mark Taylor and his little talks with God back in 2011 concerning Donald Trump? I’d like to hear your reaction. I only just heard his thing last night.

    And the reason I bring this up now is because this all just keeps getting better and better and better. The DNC couldn’t have orchestrated a bigger face plant if they tried. And God knows, the RNC hasn’t been working very hard on making all this possible, either.

  4. When you are a habitual liar, inept and corrupt it’s difficult to gain supporters beyond the progressive/socialist/marxist Kool-Aid drinkers, regardless of the $Billion dollars you rat holed to buy off election judges nationwide.

  5. Let he fart in begin!

    I’m watching SyFy very bad shark movies (Sharknado Week), leading up to Sharknaeo 4, The Fourth Awakens.

    They are so bad, they are fun. Still intellectually superior to watching the DNC circus (no offense to a real circus intended).

  6. I would pay good money to witness first hand the bitch’s melt down when Trump schlongs her this November.
    It shall be epic.
    Vile language shall be uttered.
    Small objects shall be hurled.
    Jesus shall smile.

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