Hillary’s Email Password Contest Winner – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Email Password Contest Winner

Our judge, who donated the prize, wants to remain anonymous. (The winning prize will be highlighted on this site sometime this coming month.)

–Here was the contest —

Here are the judge’s picks:

Runners up-

and the winner is:

Congratulations. And congratulations to all for another fine display of what makes this particular community one of the best on the web.

Thank you.


23 Comments on Hillary’s Email Password Contest Winner

  1. Amazing minds! Didn’t see the contest but I would have thought, maybe, if she were password savvy – W1ck3dw1tch0fth3w3st.

    But, of course, anyone who thinks wiping a server means cleaning it with Windex is probably as stupid as Podesta when it comes to passwords.

    It would be her pet if she didn’t believe that small animals were good only for vivisection.

    So, it comes down to the only thing she reveres – ‘power’.

    Dianny! Congrats! Brilliant as usual.

  2. Congrats Dianny! It was a fun game, I’ve decided to
    save all the Passwords for my new personal password book.
    Seems like everywhere you go on line you have to use one and I can never think of one. These were great.

  3. Good one Dianny. Congrats. How come I never win anything? Sniff, sniff. I should at least get a participation trophy for “Absolute.” Absolute: An over rated vodka that Killary swigs right out of the bottle.


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