Hillary’s explanation of what’s wrong with the Democrat party – IOTW Report

Hillary’s explanation of what’s wrong with the Democrat party

Becker News: Hillary Clinton is back in the media spotlight again with a recent interview with NBC’s Willie Geist, which will air in full on his podcast ‘Sunday Sitdown.”

The failed 2016 presidential candidate appeared to criticize radical Democrats for jeopardizing swing districts and the White House for not being ‘stable’ and ‘sane.’ more here

25 Comments on Hillary’s explanation of what’s wrong with the Democrat party

  1. Setting the stage for Pedo’s removal. He’s pretty hated, on purpose, so no one will mind. Kamala picks Hillary who is approved immediately, then steps aside with a promise of a Supreme Court job. Hillary is presented as a messiah who will promise to correct the terrible things that have happened that White Supremacy drove her predecessor to (making the case that older White males can never be President again), and then sets out in a reign of terror to avenge her vindictive nature on the hapless Trump supporters who denied her divine right to rule the first time.

    Media remains silent on most of the atrocities unless the Clinton White House wants it publicized to scare the plebes, in which case it is presented as putting down White Supremacist inurrections. Christian churches are closed as hotbeds of sedition, and Muslims are used to enforce it as replacement populations begin to supplant citizens killed by invigorated jab mandates.

    That’s one scenario. Others there could be, but based on what we’ve seen and heard lately, I think it’s pretty plausible…

  2. Lord SNS, that shit will put the fear of God into anyone.

    It’s like the nightmare dreams of falling but waking just before you splat only now you don’t wake up but you do splat.

  3. Clinton Foundation donations are in the crapper, Hillary hits the talk shows hinting she may run again, hoping donations come pouring in again. She is the personification of “Pay to Play”.

  4. Can’t you just wait for the next bunch of fairy tales she’ll concoct when she runs? It’s gonna be hard to beat the “We landed under sniper fire” and she was named for Sir Edmund Hillary or something.

  5. WDS
    DECEMBER 31, 2021 AT 1:45 PM
    “Can’t you just wait for the next bunch of fairy tales she’ll concoct when she runs? It’s gonna be hard to beat the “We landed under sniper fire” ”

    …”We campaigned under White Supremacist January 6th Insurrectionist sniper fire”
    -Hillary, near future.

    …Democrats, like their master satan cannot create, they can only mock. That’s why everything they doo now just seems like a rebooted lie, because that’s all it ever IS.

  6. What’s wrong with the Democrat party? Nothing a few more “SUICIDES” CAN’T FIX

    Journalist who broke bombshell story about Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting found dead


    I’m sure it’s just a coincidence these thing usually are

    Hillary Is SCARED After Announcement That Durham’s Next Arrests Will Target Her Campaign Operatives


  7. So her play will be to run in 2024, not as the anti-Trump candidate, but as the anti-Biden candidate? It’s just crazy enough to work. As long as the dems create the second- biggest voter fraud effort in history.

    “Get this plane in the air, so they can start serving drinks!”

  8. @Seaoh

    At the speed the Durham investigation is proceeding, Hillary will be nothing but dust and some bone fragments by the time any proof of her killer instincts come to light.

  9. @TheMule December 31, 2021 at 12:10 pm

    > It’s not Republican trying to turn your kid into a faggot loser.

    Of course not! The Republicans ensure that nobody can oppose turning your kids into non-binary pedofodder.

    That’s their job. The reason they’re paid. The reason they exist. The Bolsheviks overrun hoi polloi. The Republicans mop up the survivors.

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