Hillary’s New Hashtag: #pigsandcrackers – IOTW Report

Hillary’s New Hashtag: #pigsandcrackers


AT: A psychological warfare principle that was once equated with magic says that the power to name a thing is the power to control or destroy it.  The Allies, for example, named the German general Fedor von Bock “Der Sterber,” or “Let’s go get killed,” for his statement that the function of the German soldier was to die gloriously for the Fatherland.  They doubtless did their best to ensure that every soldier under von Bock’s command knew it, too.

The ability of a name to convey an entire idea in less than a second is consistent with Sally Hogshead’s presentation on fascination, worth watching.  The key principle is that when you introduce yourself (or an idea) to another person, you have nine or fewer seconds to fascinate that person and keep his or her attention.

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3 Comments on Hillary’s New Hashtag: #pigsandcrackers

  1. Gingrich said that’s why Trump insisted on continuing to use the label Lyin’ Ted instead of Senator and will call Clinton Crooked Hillary. It may not be presidential but it works.

    (By the way, it’s one of Alinsky’s rules that the left has used against the right for decades. Trump is the first on the right brave enough to throw their tactics back on them. Well, you hear the squealing)

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