Hillary’s Obsession With Pepe Is Embarrassing – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Obsession With Pepe Is Embarrassing

Who is Pepe the Frog and why is the Clinton campaign so obsessed with the internet creation?  I can’t really tell you what exactly Pepe is or stands for, but I can tell what he isn’t.

He isn’t an internet meme that’s been co-opted by the Alt-right, but is instead a wildly successful trolling of the left in general and the Clinton campaign and its media allies in particular.

Now the Clintonistas have the chattering class wondering if Pepe might decide the upcoming election and even Cher is freaking the hell out over the perfectly innocent cartoon frog.

Clinton Campaign  accusing Pepe the Frog of being a racist alt-right figurehead Here

The truth about what is becoming the greatest troll in internet history Here

Pepe the racist frog is a meme the Democrats want to believe in so badly that they’ll make it real even if they have to flood the news cycle to do it.

24 Comments on Hillary’s Obsession With Pepe Is Embarrassing

  1. Is it possible this is a “false flag frog”? On another site some idiot posted a bunch of overtly racist comments along with lewd pornography and put this “frog” everywhere.

    Naturally the “Alt Left” posters over at PJ Media assumed this was a rabid Trump supporter, I guess because of this cartoon character.

    Nobody but the left and Alt Left are talking about this alleged symbol of white supremacist rhetoric.

  2. I would consider myself fairly well-traveled on the web, usually aware of the latest memes and viral this-and-that.

    Until the threads posted on the subject here, I had never heard or seen anything about Pepe on the internet.

  3. Pepe started in 2005 as a simple cartoon sketch. The most famous cartoon was Pepe peeing — with his pants pulled down to his ankles. In another frame, a friend asks him about it, his pants on the floor. Final frame is Pepe grinning and exclaiming “Feels good, man!” Pepe evolved from “Feels good, man!” to a “Feels bad, man!” to a zillion expressions to compliment a remark. Last year or so, a couple of kids, pissed that this Very Important Pepe had been hijacked by “normies,” so dressed him up as a Nazi in hopes the “normies” would stay away. I’m not sure anyone knows, really, who these kids are, but the left wingers are referring to them as “prominent white supremacists.” ….smile…

    Trump did not do this, but it certainly is the kind of joke he would appreciate. ….Lady in Red

  4. Re: Ted Nougat September 18, 2016 at 6:18 pm

    I would consider myself fairly well-traveled on the web, usually aware of the latest memes and viral this-and-that.

    Until the threads posted on the subject here, I had never heard or seen anything about Pepe on the internet.

    Do you even Chan?

  5. AC,

    Interestingly, right after I posted that, I texted my two sons and one of their friends for perspective on this (each in their early 20’s). Without telling them why I was asking, they all said they new of Pepe. After explaining why I asked, they all said it had nothing at all to do with politics or white supremacy. My younger son then stated that it was mainly a 4Chan/Reddit thing.

  6. When your candidacy has gone so far south that you have to accuse an ugly little internet cartoon of ‘white supremacy’ you’re not coming back.

    Seriously tin foil hat time on the Left and the media’s even jumped on the bandwagon.

    Oh well, we deplorables are all Putin’s subjects, what do WE know.


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