Historic First: Under Trump, Half Of National Security Council Leaders Are Women – IOTW Report

Historic First: Under Trump, Half Of National Security Council Leaders Are Women

Federalist: For the first time in history, half of the senior leaders of the National Security Council are women. Twelve of the 24 directorates are led by women now, including three of the six regional directorates that cover the world.

While the White House press corps has not yet noticed that fact, and Vanity Fair didn’t have Annie Leibovitz come do a photo shoot, as would have been obligatory in the previous administration, women in the White House noticed and appreciated the historic first.

“President Trump has demonstrated his commitment to empowering women in the U.S. and across the world, implementing a pro-growth, pro-family agenda that lifts up women of all backgrounds. It’s no surprise that women are leading the way across the Trump administration, including more women leaders at the National Security Council than at any other time in history,” adviser to the President Ivanka Trump said.

The National Security Council has both functional and regional directorates. The functional directorates tackle issues such as international organizations, border security, and COVID response, all three of which women now lead. Three of the six regional directorates covering the globe — Africa, Asia, and South Asia — are now led by women. more here

11 Comments on Historic First: Under Trump, Half Of National Security Council Leaders Are Women

  1. …actual headline…

    “Under Trump, Half Of National Security Council Leaders Are Women”

    …media spin headline…

    “Under Trump…Are Women”

    Lofo conclusion:


  2. Identity politics, political tribalism, inequality equals inequity, all these leftist tropes, so boring.

    I’m going to make a wild assumption and believe that Trump hired the best most qualified people for these positions who just by happenstance are women, and didn’t go out of his way to play intersectional musical chairs so he could check some quota box on a tally sheet.

    The government is not some social experiment, we demand the very best.

    Playing by the left’s rules is never a winning strategy.

  3. It sounds like these women occasionally interact with our Military. Maybe they can ask Milley when he thinks his testicles might drop. Trump gotta get rid of these parade generals.

  4. Feminist across the nation react with confusion at the proliferation of women choosing their careers over the leftist agenda.

    Activist for wymen’s rights seek equilibrium in their universe by chanting “There are no women on the right” and “their husbands forced them to do it.”

  5. I have said for years that business people and the wealthy are more concerned with your abilities to work and make money than your skin colour.

    Incidentally, a total stanger quoted me $2000 less for a car than my wife’s cousin who is a car wholesaler. Anyone want to guess who I went with?

  6. I am woman hear me roar, but all you’ll hear is crickets from the jerk’s in the media. Trump can never catch a break, but he’s still the best President ever.

  7. @ Miss Kitty

    He certainly has had more to deal with than even Reagan.

    The Democrats were a bit more civilized back then.

    The Pope, Thatcher, Mulroney and western Europe were not stabbing him in the back at every turn like todays “allies”.


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