Historical!! First Ever All Gay US NAVY Helicopter Crew – IOTW Report

Historical!! First Ever All Gay US NAVY Helicopter Crew

Why is this something to aspire to?

Really, I don’t mean to be insensitive, but what is the thinking behind this being celebrated? Is the military a place that needs to be “woke”, or is it to put the enemy to sleep?

ht/ jerry manderin

66 Comments on Historical!! First Ever All Gay US NAVY Helicopter Crew

  1. When it comes to fighting our enemies, we want our military to be Marlboro Men not soyboy pansy wipes.

    This is so sick and twisted on so many levels. 🤨

  2. The USA as we know it is on its last legs. There are only two ways now to save even a semblance of a living and breathing free nation: civil war or peaceful secession.

  3. I’m waiting until they celebrate the all-llama helicopter crew.

    Don’t laugh. There IS no line in the sand for those wielding control at the moment.

  4. I would sincerely hope this is some sort of satirical meme.

    Will we now have to celebrate all kinds of other all inclusive “crews?”

    What kind of command allows, encourages this bullshit?

  5. White males have done more than their fair share of fighting and dying for this country since its beginning now it is time for the deviants, queers, perverts and females to do it!

  6. …remember when we didn’t need to know what our sailors, soldiers, actors, politicians, teachers, or neighbors were sleeping with, and they didn’t feel a need to TELL us?

    …yeah, me neither…

  7. …Good luck if you’re downed in a Muslim country, fellows, your NEXT flight will be off a roof and with no option to autorotate…

  8. @Equity


    I have maintained that these wars are used to thin the herd of Conservative Strong Males & Females and help tilt the voting towards the Takers of Society.

  9. Thinking behind the celebration?

    Don’t you see the flag? They are celebrating things like feltching and sticking things in their ass instead of displaying the racist American flag. It’s progress for the mentally challenged.

  10. The Potomac Fairy
    MAY 2, 2021 AT 3:03 PM
    “Thay there… Show me yer Jesus nuts!”

    …I worked with a helicopter mechanic once so I know a what a Jesus Nut is, but your visit with Jesus after it comes off will be VERY breif if you lived your life openly flouting Romans 1…

    “25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

    26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

    27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.”
    Romans 1:25-27

  11. …I was never in the military but I was blessed with the opportunity to work with ex-Vietnam helicopter pilots when they transitioned to civilian service flying air care helicopters, and got to talk to some of them a little when I had LZ detail and the flight surgeon was off at the scene. They had a unit that loaded from the back and, given the emergency nature of the work they usually hot loaded, so when the clumsy firefighters and patient focused flight care teams were wildly wheeling around to load a patient, the pilot would put his BACK to the RUNNING tail rotor and his arms out to direct idiots away.

    So one time I asked a pilot what he’d do if a careless fireman in 40 pounds of gear swung a cot wide and hit him.

    He said without hesitation or change of expression, “Die.”.

    Just like that.

    …I’m guessing that he and them all had been in MUCH more dangerous surroundings for so long that they’d long since made their peace with the prospect of dying that others might live, so the prospect of being roughly and abruptly reduced to chutney by his own ride to save some moron that didn’t have the sense to realize the the lethal trouble a wide swing would cause didn’t faze him in the least.

    This was actually pretty boring stuff for them and sometime I’ll tell you why they found emergency LZs at closed supermarkets to be fun, but that’s a different story for another day.

    The point is, I was surrounded in such endeavors by brother and sister firefighters and working closely with LEOS at such times, and even in that company I was awed by the understated great bravery and sincere dedication to duty these men had, that they never boasted of but was evident in their speech and manner. I always felt I wasn’t worthy to hold their flight cap, and I was honored they would even deign to talk to me, althogh they were always extremely courteous to all, as much as possible under the circumstances. They were to me what the idealized knights of yore are presented to be in stories, but actually existed in real life. These were truly honorable men.

    And it never once begin to seem at all relevant or even sane to ask them what they liked to have sex with, and they never felt a need to tell me.

    Because it was just stupid and had NOTHING to do with the job or what the public or even their co-workers NEEDED to know.

    …so I find this disgusting and offensive on SO many levels that I don’t even know where to START. Suffice to say that these modern Navy clowns are nothing but an insult to the uniforms they wear, the traditions they willingly joined, and to the Nation they are supposed to be serving, but ESPECIALLY to those who went before them like those pilots I so briefly knew.

    What THEY take “pride” in only cast the anal shit they lick off each other’s penises on those REAL men that went BEFORE them.

    You wanna fuck other men in the ass? Whatever, pervert, but why not at LEAST keep it to yourself? It has NOTHING to do with your job, your duty, and your Nation, you weren’t commissioned to be a homosexual poster boy but to do a specific job.


    …sorry about the cursing, but this just pisses me off. I’ve had other freinds serve and THEY weren’t like this. Way back in High School I had a friend that couldn’t even be pictured with the CLASS because he was in ROTC and headed for a hitch in the military on graduation, and his image belonged to the military at that point and could not be used to promote ANYTHING lest it cast a bad light on the Service.

    Why can’t they STILL be like that?

    …a young freind of my nephew’s who was a local firefighter and medic went on to be a helicopter medic and just left for his first overseas deployment. This just casts dirt on HIM as well. Like rappelling from a helicopter without a weapon to save lives into a hot zone in a Muslim country isn’t dangerous ENOUGH, NOW you have to consider that some Iman bastards have used this to convince THEIR troops all of YOU are gay and give them a FURTHER reason a!!ah wants you dead.

    Thanks asshole lovers.


    …it’s wrong for me to hope this particular chopper throws a blade, so I’d better stop before I DO, because SOMEONE loves them, even if I DON’T…

  12. “Really, I don’t mean to be insensitive, but what is the thinking behind this being celebrated? “

    This is designed to drive off the last remnants of God-fearing, patriotic, heterosexual men from the military. Hey, and only 3 months after Harris/Biden assumed office.

  13. The only thing fags should be doing in this man’s Navy is designing camouflage.
    Wait, they’re not the one’s who came up with camo BDU’s that makes it difficult to see someone who goes overboard?

  14. What’s with the rainbow flag?

    IF by design and endorsed by the Joint Chiefs?

    Then it’s a disgrace.

    This is just like having an all black or white unit…it’s just NOT happening…

  15. …anyone remember the sailor President Trump had to pardon who went to prison for having unauthorized pictures on his PHONE that he NEVER shared?

    …why doesn’t that apply HERE?

  16. the 1st thing you have to do is ask yourself “if i wanted to absolutely DESTROY a nation from within; what would i do?” once you do that…everything makes perfect sense.

  17. Like many groups, gays are insular: they stick to their own, and they hire their own.

    This is how Hollywood became run by mostly gay men. And it’s how the legal side of the record business is run by lesbians.

    Not a good forecast for our military. Crazy Bradley Mannings will soon infest the military.

  18. So this is legit!

    I’m leaving this one to those better qualified to comment without the vitriol I would bring.

    It’s not the fact that there’s gays in the military. It’s the fact that this is some how appropriate to rub our noses in it!

    I’m sure this will assist recruiting efforts, NOT.

  19. Perfect example of why military personnel in allegiance to an abhorrent sexual behavior is so wrong.
    It compromises and threatened national security. An enemy would find this a weakness they could exploit.

    Traitorous operative in this country continue to establish more ways to deteriorate the sovereignty of this country. Rainbow troops are just the latest tactic.

  20. My Petey B has successfully petitioned to have a warship named after my unbleached elastic starfish. It’s called the U.S.S. Unbleached Elastic Starfish!

  21. Really, though- they all have to stop with this crap in the military.
    Black this, women that, gay this, muslim… Do the social club shit outside of work.

    I wonder if they would send them to the middle east that way?
    Will there be intro music and strobe lights? Considering what they did to our ambassador in libya (they knew he was gay and they did some really gross stuff to him because of it) why would the military send them out of the closet? You just know iran is emailing their photos to everybody.

  22. As Winston Churchill used to say about the Royal Navy, its traditions are “Rum, the Lash, and Sodomy”.

    I may be wrong, but it seems like the Navy gets more queers than any other service.

  23. This is not my Navy. I hate what these politically correct nincompoops have done to my Navy. We had one queer in my squadron back in the mid 70’s and everyone knew who he was and left him alone and didn’t associate with him outside of duty hours.

  24. Pissing on a dead Taliban gets you court-martialed.
    Pissing up the ass of your crew chief gets you celebrated.

    Something’s seriously wrong.

    izlamo delenda est …

  25. With the very low percentage of gays in the Navy, such a crew would have to have been specially selected by their superiors to form an all-gay crew. I am sure that merit wasn’t involved, just as long as the alternate lifestyle box was checked. It’s troubling that high ranking officers are spending their time looking for “qualifications” like this in the military. More troubling is that they feel the need to celebrate this “achievement”.


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