$hithead Joe has adopted the attitude that ignoring reporter’s questions is “presidential” – IOTW Report

$hithead Joe has adopted the attitude that ignoring reporter’s questions is “presidential”

This man is wrecking this country. His party is wrecking this country. It must all be eradicated.


22 Comments on $hithead Joe has adopted the attitude that ignoring reporter’s questions is “presidential”

  1. He probably doesn’t get any children ‘visitors’ if he opens his mouth without being told to do so.

    Rome had Nero, we have Zero. I just cannot believe how tied up we are in tyranny.

    If fauxchi brings back mask mandates, I hope to see a huge pushback.

    Medical passports, masks, forced implantations of their evil poison: This is all testing their enslavement chains.

  2. When the voice in his earpiece tells him to ignore the question, he now does it. Almost every time. It took a lot of training—for both him and the journos—but he’s nearly mastered the task. Kamala would do well to learn this trick.

    Now if they can just keep him from getting lost when he leaves the podium.

  3. My hate for this usurper runs as deep as it can go. The best thing would be to do to DC what the British did to it in 1812, with all political denizens in it, the dirty scum sucking bastards.

  4. What continues to amaze me is that we still have people (not in public office)
    that claim to be Democrats! If you still claim to be one, you support ALL of their perversions, debauchery and corruption. If you claim you do not support that, it is akin to being a Nazi but not supporting the Jew thing.

  5. Why should he answer any questions? The media covers for him, so he doesn’t have any worries.
    Trump answered or at least responded to all the questions from the press, going to great lengths to do so, and the media attacked him mercilessly, no matter what he said.
    I don’t support the President not answering any questions, since I don’t think it is respectful of the American People, but I have absolutely no respect for the press, and by this I mean the corporate media, legacy, mainstream press. The press has abused their privileges, with bias, censoring, complicity in smear campaigns, even going so far as to have Democratic Party members review stories before release to make sure they’re acceptable to the person being reported on.
    The press is deserving of this. I can’t sympathize with them.
    Besides, it doesn’t even matter if Joe Biden answers questions or not, the press gives the same coverage regardless of what he does.
    The New York Times can be depended on to give Democratic Party members positive coverage, as can Washington Post, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and Public television as well as Twitter, FB and Google.
    Actually, answering any questions is a waste of time, these news outlets are going to give the same coverage regardless.
    If you want to watch them, it’s because you know what you will hear, even before they open their mouth.

  6. Weong title. Not $hit…. but Dick….

    Does he honestly think they will give the arrogant S.O.B. goot press? The man is an idiot and if We The People don’t do something about it the “Fool on the Hill” is gonna get us all killed.

  7. The Pedo is a mere figurehead, he knows it, we know it, it’s why he does it.

    The Pedo knows he’s not the President so why even try to act like one?

    ValJar and Susan Rice run this country through the Kenyan Faggot who works for Soros who works for the globalist cabal.

    This drooling, mouthgaping, smirking shithead gets a big kick out of being so far down on the food chain…

    He seriously does not give a single fuck..works maybe 12 hours a week play pretending he’s in charge.

    Stupid fuck pretender is going to start WW3. Mark my words. The only thing preventing it right now is that China owns his spindly ass.

  8. Joe Biden is a longtime low-life ignoramus, a fact known also to those who were forced to work with him or associated with him in some way, including obama. Add the fact that anywhere in the world where ethnic cleansing/racism is being engaged, including Ukraine, the known race supremacist Joe Biden is there to urge on the vile and sinister acts against that citizenry. Add also that Joe Biden encouraged ‘Mr. Freedom’ Zelensky to recently install the first parts of the tyrannical globalist/WEF schemes against his own people just as Biden encouraged the underhanded power-seeking TrudeaTerrorist to turna against civilians by releasing the ‘federal emergency’ bullshhhhyt. The Weakling Joe Biden is all about bullshyyyt and nothing else.

  9. What’s with all these supposedly smart politicians and their false teeth? Didn’t they brush their teeth when they were younger? I’m 66 and have most of mine except for the wisdom one’s. Sucking or clicking your falseys should embarrass them but obviously it doesn’t.

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