HOA holes – IOTW Report

HOA holes

Dumbest HOA Ever Is Allegedly Forcing Residents To Keep Garage Doors Open For Eight Hours A Day.

In this week’s display of homeowners’ association idiocy, the Auburn Greens complex in Auburn, California is allegedly requiring all of its residents to keep their garage doors open during the week, all because one resident had people sleeping in their garage, Sacramento-based news channel KCRA 3 reports. Of all possible solutions to this “problem,” this HOA appears to have found the very dumbest.

This insanity comes to you from Placer County, California, where a homeowners’ association apparently posted notices on residents’ doors telling them of their requirement to keep garage doors open from 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. Monday through Friday or to face “an immediate hearing notice and [be] subjected to a $200 fine.”

In perhaps the most obvious statement ever recorded in an interview, one of the homeowners living in Auburn Greens, named Fred Waidtlow, told the news site:

That’s an issue that they should address differently, I feel…If we have to have this open from 8 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon, anybody can help themselves and steal you blind. And they do it in this Auburn Greens complex.

How the homeowners’ association doesn’t realize the theft concerns associated with their policy is beyond me. I tried reaching out the Auburn Greens HOA to get answers, but the call went straight to voicemail.



ht/ marezilla

28 Comments on HOA holes

  1. Auburn is a beautiful town. Across the lake from me and a little higher in elevation. Fairly affluent. I guess some Bay Area pricks must have moved in there. I listened to this story on my drive home and some lady called in and had a lawyer draw up an indemnity agreement which the HOA refused to sign. So fuck off bitches. Pretty smart thinking.

  2. I once lived in a high dollar gated community. The HOA started going ape shit. No cars in your drive way, garage doors closed all the time. etc etc. One of the reason we moved there was because we were 5 minutes from the lake. So we had our boat in the garage and 3 cars. 3 car garage. Luckily we had several neighbors that were doing the same. So we went to war with the Bay Area ass holes and one. But the President of the HOA just wouldn’t let up. If I passed him in the local stores I use to greet him as Hi Asshole. One night I’m coming home late in the middle of winter and there’s SWAT blocking the road right before my house. Which was one hell of a shock to me because I had no idea our little county has a SWAT team. I pull up to the road block and I know the guy with the AR15. I tell him that’s my drive way, I’m going to my family, I’m armed try and stop me. Well he waves me through. The Pres of the HOA lived behind us and was holding his family hostage with a 357. My one and only experience with an HOA.

  3. I live in the hood.We ain’t got no
    use for any stinkin’ HOA or any restrictions
    in Westward Estates II.I got 4 cars in the
    driveway and 1 on the street.A 40′ radio tower
    & a 80′ radio tower.

  4. We cleaned up our property when we moved in. Nice neighborhood but developed on an old farm. Our house is built on where the barn once stood. All the trash was dumped behind where said barn once was therefore was found behind our house, covered by overgrowth. So we set to cleaning it up. Founder that several of the trees behind our house were dead and upright, one fell on the neighbors fence without causing damage so we cleaned those out as well.

    HOA threatened to sue us for all the cleanup. Unauthorized because we didn’t go down on bended knee as a supplicant. Called the county on us.

    The county came out and asked why our neighbors backyards weren’t cleaned up and accessible like ours was…. apparently there’s supposed to be a drainage pond out back in the event of a 100 year flood, and we are now the only ones in compliance. All the neighbors now have to bring their backyards up to compliance. The HOA didn’t know. Too busy tripping over their authority to know what was really required.

    Suddenly the HOA has gone radio silent. They done fucked off completely….

  5. Well. I finally see one more intrusive than the ones I know of.

    I have 10 customers in one that no pickup is allowed to be parked within view of the streets. Some of them have pickups but they’re always garaged when they’re home. Workers during the day are the exception.

    That one is the snobbiest I’ve run across here.

    I would never consider buying a house in an HOA. After 30+ years of serving customers in them, I haven’t found a single one I thought was a good thing. Every customer has run into some busy-body on the boards trying to jack with them over something minuscule.

    “Glorified hall monitors” seems to fit.


    Thank you, HooHooNayNay. Yours is my feel-good story of the day so far. lol

  6. When you accept the condition of slave you accept restrictions on your Liberties.

    That’s just a fact. And socialism implies communal ownership – so don’t whine about thievery.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. My sister lives in Auburn. I just shared this with her, but I don’t think they have an HOA.
    A friend got elected to his HOA board 10 or so years ago, specifically to shut it down. It had been a constant headache, just like everywhere else the handful of control freaks had taken it over.

  8. Lazlo was in the CCC up on Christian Valley Road in Auburn.
    This was back in 1980 when things made sense.
    Used to drink beer around the reservoir
    I bet it’s full of posh houses now.

  9. My next door neighbor and I both moved over the past year. He moved to another subdivision with an HOA and I moved into an unincorporated property that is zoned Agricultural-1.

    Every time I see him, there’s some catty fight going on among his neighbors. The best however was when after living in the subdivision a few months, he noticed many of his neighbors didn’t own their homes. He had secured himself a position on the board to keep tabs of what was going on. During one of their meetings another member brought up a motion or whatever to not allow renters in the subdivision, he’d been trying this for years but couldn’t get enough of the other members to go along.

    My friend turned out to be his tipping vote and they put it up for consideration. As they parsed through the legalize of the bylaws/tenets, they found that they needed a certain percentage of homeowners to agree to make the subdivision unfriendly to landlords and renters.

    They then did a study on their residents and found that a rental management company already owned 2 fewer properties in the subdivision than actual homeowners.

  10. Today’s happy story…
    Myself and my family NEVER buy property that has any form of HOA. My brother bought his house 17 years ago, no HOA in sight. The houses developed around his and became a pretty upscale neighborhood. seven years ago a group of homeowners got together and decided that the builders had intended the community to have an HOA but had simply failed to say so. Noticing the ripe injustice that their community was suffering, they formed an HOA as themselves as officers and president and then went about notifying the neighborhood of their new wonderful HOA and it’s many rules and (of course) the required monthly HOA dues!

    Most of the homeowners simply mailed a check and forgot about it. My brother sent them a letter stating that he did NOT buy into any HOA property, did NOT authorize any HOA and would never live in an HOA and added a suggestion on whet they could do with their HOA monthly dues.

    Apparently the HOA rulers had followed all of the required legal steps to become an HOA by copy and pasting another HOA charter and rules from an established HOA.

    The city had accepted the legal basis and it appeared to the HOA rulers that they could not be beat.

    Enter stage right one extremely stubborn and pissed off HillBilly.

    He researched not only the complete HOA charter but any and all city, county and state laws and regs that might apply to an HOA and how it is setup and run. His first certified letter requested the meeting minutes of every single quarterly meeting since the HOA was formed according to state and city requirements. While they were sputtering and stammering over reasons they could not/would not be able to produce such documents, he hit them with the nuke he had found on the EPA regs. the same 100 year flood drainage requirements stated above. After a few more certified letters detailing all of the deficiencies that the HOA was financially responsible for paying, he and all of his neighbors received a certified letter stating that the HOA had been dissolved, and that the only prior officer on the HOA board listed in the letter stated that the now former President had resigned and moved to another city because of “job” issues.

    Persistence and preparedness can overcome evil every time. But, you have to be willing to do the hard work and get your hands dirty.

    MSG Grumpy

  11. When your governor declares CA a sanctuary state your citizenry rights are null, the backside results of this story. Now the HOA whores have access to what is in your garage to create more violations to fine you for because Moonbeam has flooded your state with strangers. Such a vicious hamster wheel.

  12. Find out which are the HOA board members houses and between 8 and 4 fill their garages with old tires, oil and paint cans, cardboard and other roadside trash.

    Cleaning up the highways and annoying the HOA. Winning!

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