Hockenberry Has Had Enough With 9/11 Remembrances – IOTW Report

Hockenberry Has Had Enough With 9/11 Remembrances

Longtime staple of the leftist media (NPR and ABC), John Hockenberry wrote a commentary last week on why he’s grown weary of the memorial services and the reliving of 9/11.


“I’m done with the whole heroes thing. Aren’t we over this?” he asks in hushed tones, as if addressing a person who’s still grieving over a loss while he’s ready to go partying.

It’s all there, the rationalization, the equating of “W’s” foreign policy with Obama’s isolationist failures, the false “sorry, if you got you’re feelings hurt” non apology, the use of his own children to try to convince us he’s still a swell guy.

Hockenberry’s Commentary

The only worth of this column is that it gives other lily-livered leftist defeatists the courage to stand up and say “I can’t be relied on in a fight, so don’t call on me to help.”

That’s fine John, no one is calling on you for anything.

22 Comments on Hockenberry Has Had Enough With 9/11 Remembrances

  1. Yeah, I guess that’s why we should get rid of all Remembrance Days, 4th of July’s, Civic holidays, etc, etc,. I mean what the hell are we doing honoring the heroes of the past? Silly us.

  2. Attention, ignorant shitweasels:
    Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

    Have you also forgotten Pearl Harbor? The Alamo?
    The Boston “Massacre”? The Nazis?

    Spare us your defeatist rhetoric.


  3. “Stand up, John! Stand up! Oh Lord what am I saying?! God love ya John! Tell ya what, we’ll all stand up for you John!”

    Fucking nimrod.

    Tell ya what, we’ll send you and Richard Widmark on an all expense paid trip to Italy to the top of the Spanish steps. Or the Potemkin steps. Your choice.

  4. Sour, mean , nasty,bitter, rude old man. Bet he screams ‘get off my lawn’ at children.
    A steaming pile of putrescence on wheels. Some thin he died last month but I do believe he just smells that way.

  5. I will be tarred and feathered for this…but here it goes. For too long this Country has been more interested in memorials to the deeds perpetrated against US than seeking vengeance and celebrating the just rewards. Fuck memorial ponds, with it’s celebrated architectural competitions. Remember those who died by reaping vengeance upon the political philosophy that is Islam. Wake up America. This ain’t a fucking parade moment.

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