Hollywood Billionaires Finally Lose Decades-Long Battle To Block People’s Access To Malibu’s Beaches – IOTW Report

Hollywood Billionaires Finally Lose Decades-Long Battle To Block People’s Access To Malibu’s Beaches

Malibu beaches have always been public, but you wouldn’t think so watching the lengths Hollywood progressives went to keep the “riff-raff” off “their” beaches. They must open up pathways that they blocked from the streets to the beaches.

Hardest hit – homosexual David Geffen. He’s quietly put his house up for sale.


19 Comments on Hollywood Billionaires Finally Lose Decades-Long Battle To Block People’s Access To Malibu’s Beaches

  1. every place there is waterfront there is this battle. Nice to see the little guy win one for a change.
    The celebrities beg for attention then when they get it they don’t want it. Hint if you want your privacy then don’t buy a home facing a public beach. duh.

  2. They no longer even have a presumptive right to own those homes and property. According to the new equality clause (added next to the privacy to kill children clause and the Government mandated purchase of a private product clause) in the US Constitution, everyone should have equal access to happiness and ocean front property within their personal ability to pay for it. Thus, the bum with $1.50 wine money in his pocket should be granted the equal right to buy and live on that property as any pustule of a puke millionaire.

  3. And when you visit, turn your beach chair toward the celebrity house instead of the water. They get creeped out when people look at them, or don’t look at them. (“Don’t you know who I am?!”)

  4. that seems a little …. snooty of them don’t you think?

    oh, right, it’s just “privacy” issues….

    I agree, beach chair towards the elites and then BREAK OUT THE BINOCS!!!

  5. homosexual David Geffen. He’s quietly put his house up for sale.

    just think of all that fabulouth strange man/boy ass he could lust after and maybe even seduce…

  6. WAAAaaaaa! I paid zillions for privacy and now just anyone can use my beach.

    WAAAaaaaa! When the public walks between my house and my neighbor’s, they might see me cornholing a 10 year old boy. My neighbor respects my sexual choices.

    WAAAaaaaa! If I have to have a lot of meh-hee-kans near my house, can you get them to do the gardening and clean up a bit?

    Hey, Geffen. Are you paying your fair share in taxes?

  7. If your family had bought beachfront property, in, say, 1905, before city plumbing and electricity, should the state demand that you open your property to a bunch of rat-people? To despoil? And abuse? And litter all over, leaving their condoms and used needles?


    The fucking socialists only want access AFTER it’s been improved – they NEVER improve anything, themselves.

  8. I probably should have used a different term to avoid confusion here.
    In the state where I live, you can buy “beachfront” property, but you can’t own the BEACH. Anything up to the high tide line is public land, as it should be. If the beach moves inland due to storms, erosion, etc., well, you’ve had bad luck – that’s the risk you took when you bought in such a location. That doesn’t stop some jerks from trying to claim the beach anyway, but such cases are usually lost in court.

    P.S. – Don’t like mingling with the hoi polloi? Buy yourself a secluded ranch in Colorado. But don’t deny the American public access to the seashore.

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