Hollywood Can’t (Won’t) Make Awesome Movies Anymore – IOTW Report

Hollywood Can’t (Won’t) Make Awesome Movies Anymore

Kurt Schlichter: When Burt Reynolds drove his celestial Trans-Am into the Great Beyond he took a significant chunk of America’s dwindling reserve of testosterone along with him. Unless you grew up in the ‘70s, its hard to understand his influence and impact, and how he reflected what Americans (particularly American men) wanted to be. Flicks like The Longest Yard, Smokey and the Bandit, and the criminally underrated Sharkey’s Machine, all offered us a tough but funny hero who took on the bullies in authority with a smirk, a joke, and when appropriate, a football to the “nether regions.”

Of course, you couldn’t make any of those movies in 2018. They are all too subversive, and Hollywood – a key component of the elite establishment – isn’t interested in subversion. It’s won. It’s taken power. Now it’s interested in submission.

Your submission.

Forget movies that challenge the status quo by violating our elite’s delicate sensibilities and myriad taboos. Count out Blazing Saddles. It’s perhaps the most powerful attack on the utter stupidity of racism ever put on film, but the snowflakes would melt and besides, as the New York Times demonstrated by hiring bigoted no-talent Sarah Jeong, today’s elite is actively pro-racism.

Forget Dirty Harry. He’s not understanding enough of the criminal’s point of view – which was the same liberal crook-coddling attitude the movie critiques.  more here

18 Comments on Hollywood Can’t (Won’t) Make Awesome Movies Anymore

  1. Hollywood is dead both mentally and spiritually. They have no moral compass, they have no intentions of using their imagination to create new movies, they merely want to shove older, remade versions of crap that they change to be more morally reprehensible down our throats.

  2. I went to a movie fifteen years ago called Minority Report. It sucked, have seen only one movie since. It was about a horse, Eagle Boy, I went with my daughter in August and enjoyed it. It was great.

  3. Watched two great movies this week: The original “Taking of Pelham 123” with Matthau and Shaw then “The Bedford Incident” with Widmark and Poitier. Suck on that Hollyweird. BTW, Turner classic Movies played “7 days in May” this week. I wonder why as they haven’t aired it in years. Might be suggestive of something….

  4. I’m in the mood for a good movie.

    What is your all-time favorite movie?

    What is your favorite b&w movie?

    War movie?




    Science fiction?


    Adaptation from a novel?

    When you are in the mood for a movie, what is your favorite kind of movie?

  5. Oolook, good post.

    What is your all-time favorite movie?
    Star Wars (hey, I was 10 when it came out and I have loved it ever since. Okay, not the Last Jedi)

    What is your favorite b&w movie?
    Schindler’s List

    War movie?
    A Bridge Too Far

    Any of “the Girl Who” series

    Too many to list: Something About Mary, Old School, Porky’s (anything brainless and juvenile)

    Two Mules for Sister Sarah or any other Eastwood flick

    Science fiction?
    Rogue One

    Fiddler on the Roof

    Adaptation from a novel?
    The English Patient

    When you are in the mood for a movie, what is your favorite kind of movie?

    Going to Redbox now.

  6. What is your all-time favorite movie? Bullitt

    What is your favorite b&w movie? The Misfits

    War movie? The Alamo

    Mystery? Not a big mystery fan though the old B&W Charlie Chan movies are good

    Comedy? Monty Python’s ‘In Search Of The Holy Grail’

    Western? Magnificent Seven

    Science fiction? I don’t do science fiction movies

    Musical? South Pacific

    Adaptation from a novel? Clear And Present Danger ‘Tom Clancy’

    When you are in the mood for a movie, what is your favorite kind of movie? Violent, R-Rated, Blood Baths from the likes of Eastwood, Bronson or Stallone

  7. Everyone, including the author of this article seems to forget that hollywierd is in it for the M-O-N-E-Y… since thanks to Harvey their supply of fresh young meat is off limits, for now.

    There are only 300 million people in the USA and not all of them watch movies when they come out to theaters, so hollywierd has adapted to the new normal of making hate-porn for the rest of the world to get rich from and judging by overseas ticket sales the rest of the world is NOT tired of HATING america in THEIR movie going entertainment OR in remaking old crap into new hate-porn so hollywierd has only begun its decent into anti-American bigotry.

  8. I have always like the original The Taking of Pelham 123 and The Bedford Incident mainly because I’m a huge Richard Widmark fan, he could play assholes and jerks like no one else. TCM had a war movie on last weekend with James Whitmore in it about the Marines fighting in the Pacific, it was a good movie. My favorite Richard Widmark movie is still his first one where he plays Tommy Udo a psycho killer, it’s a great gritty film noir.

  9. Blazing Saddles has no equal. They insulted absolutely everyone! Classic scenes were Harvey Korman’s recruitment speech – “I want muggers, thugs, … and Methodists!” And of course – “All right, we’ll give some land to the niggers and the chinks, but we DON’T WANT THE IRISH.”
    No one would dare make such a movie today; snowflakes would melt miles away!

  10. The movie was Kiss of Death, why can’t they make good guy/bad guy movies like this anymore with clearly delineated good and evil characters. And White Heat with James Cagney is a great movie as well, who can ever forget. “I’m on the top of the world ma” and then he’s blown to Smithereens in that great big explosion. And rumor has it that there is a limited release of Bullitt coming out in theaters next month for a week or so I’m going and I am taking my son. That chase between Steve McQueen and the green 68 Mustang and that black 68 Dodge Charger and the no name evil bad guys thru the streets of San Francisco was always better on a large screen. I also liked the chase on the tarmac with the bad guy at SF airport, it was great. And if they could I’d also like to see Papillon again with Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman on a large screen. Nope, they’ll never be able to do Blazing Saddles ever again, damned snowflakes have no sense of humor. Let alone most other Mel Brook’s movies.


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