Hollywood’s Secular Clerics – IOTW Report

Hollywood’s Secular Clerics

David Limbaugh at The Stream-

That they so openly spout off about politics shows they have no fear of offending their like-minded colleagues and couldn’t care less about alienating anyone in the viewing audience.

A few examples. Grey’s Anatomy star Ellen Pompeo tweeted, “News flash… I don’t want trump supporters for fans Einstein.” Olivia Wilde, starring in 1984 on Broadway, tweeted, “Trumpy Trolls defending racism as free speech and threatening to boycott my movies, PLEASE F***ING DO.” Don Cheadle, after tweet-slamming someone for being “woefully uninformed and egregiously bereft of empathy and insight,” smugly followed up with this: “If I lose fans over this, they weren’t real fans. And I’m only bitter about what’s happening to our country. You good with all this? Why?”

Michael Shannon, while promoting his movie Nocturnal Animals, said: “This country’s filled with ignorant jacka**es. The big red dildo running through the middle of our country needs to be annexed to be its own country of moronic a**holes. You can call it the United States of Moronic F***ing A**holes.” He also said, “If you’re voting for Trump, it’s time for the urn.” And last year, Meryl Streep blasted Trump, without mentioning his name, as a powerful bully whose “violence incites violence.”

I’ve sometimes wondered what makes Hollywood so ideologically unimaginative. Is there some common DNA strain among film industry players that makes them liberal? Were most of those who have grown up to become part of that industry raised by leftist parents? Do actors new to Hollywood arrive as politically blank slates and become instantly converted? Are they shamed into toeing the party line?

Isn’t it ironic that these actors engage in political commentary to demonstrate their intellectual gravitas but, in the very process, instead display that they are malleable sheep, pawns of the most pernicious sort of groupthink,


ht/ Mighty Mojo


6 Comments on Hollywood’s Secular Clerics

  1. There is without a doubt a spiritual element at work that is wholly unrecognized as such, or at best is seen as something else, something positive and life-affirming. And that should surprise no one with the slightest shred of biblical discernment:

    “…for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”

    That said…those very same ministers, working for the very same Satan, are also at work top to bottom throughout all of Christendom.

    Clue: the truest Satanists are not clowns like Anton LaVey. The truest, most devoted Satanists are absolutely convinced they’re working for God, or for “good.” Same boss.

  2. Is there ANYONE in Hollyweird, with an IQ over 50? Why don’t we interview those who hafta tie the stars’ shoes every morning – I’ll bet THEY’RE down with Trump’s tax cuts!

  3. Meh, these talentless assclowns assume that we don’t know that anything put out by Hollywood prior to 1965 (including “My Mother the Car”) is of vastly greater quality than the retarded crap they fart out nowadays.

  4. It never ceases to amaze me how intelligent many people are, yet who will run to unsupportable charges when ideology is on the line. I have friends who are absolutely brilliant, but when anything political comes up have nothing to say but regurgitation of headlines and then resort to name-calling when I challenge them. I honestly don’t get it.
    On another, and possibly related note though, what is up with movies and shows today? All they can think of is remakes and sequels. Mediocre ones.

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