Homeowner had good idea to stop people from letting dog crap in front of his house – IOTW Report

Homeowner had good idea to stop people from letting dog crap in front of his house

This is pretty good.


14 Comments on Homeowner had good idea to stop people from letting dog crap in front of his house

  1. We have plenty of old power line marker flags collected over the years and an owner who stays a week and never cleans up after their dog. I flagged the piles just so other people would tread in it and to remove the dumps after the owners left, but this year they cleaned up before leaving. They took the flags too though, but we have more.

  2. My friend lives in a neighborhood where it seems like it’s required to own a dog. (She does not) It’s a liberal, hippy part of town.
    She got tired of people letting their dogs go on her small front yard so put a fence up. A woman actually came by and told her she was sad that my friend put the fence up because that was her dog’s favorite place to poop!

    If you don’t want to pick up crap don’t get a dog.
    I feel bad for dogs in cities anyway. They have to go with everyone watching. It must make them feel like they’re bums in San Francisco.

  3. Some asshole in my neighborhood let his (or her) dog crap in the middle of my driveway and just left it there. I only found out because my Mom and Dad stopped by after church and drove through it.

    People are thoughtless, self-centered pigs.

    Then again, knowing my über-leftist neighborhood, the dog-walker could have left it there because of my Trump sign on my front door.

  4. Put some pepper down, dogs always check before going and maybe they’ll move on. If that don’t work it’s time for the garden hose and target acquisition exercises.

  5. When I lived with neighbors. A few of them would walk their dogs and so long as the dog crapped in the parkway, they wouldn’t clean it up. I think the logic was that the city owned the parkway, not the people who cared for it in front of their houses.

    Anyway, I would get my shovel and dutifully place the turds right in the middle of the sidewalk.

    One evening, I was drinking in the garage reading IOTWr and I saw a lady and her dog walk by. A few seconds later I heard. Awe shit!

    Yup, stepped right in it, didn’t you!

    Nowadays, I quit picking up dog shit altogether. I bought a riding mower!

  6. I had a neighbor who’s dog always crapped on my sidewalk. So I collected a weeks worth and filled a pail. Then I walked over to his house and dumped it on his front stoop by the door. I rang the bell and waited until he answered the door. Naturally he blew up. I calmly told him that next time I will make him eat it.

    The problem stopped.


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