Homicide Bombers Looking Forward To Their Virgins’ Extraordinary Breasts – IOTW Report

Homicide Bombers Looking Forward To Their Virgins’ Extraordinary Breasts


Sheikh Saleh Al-Jermin tweeted about Al-Hur Al-Ayn, the women who await all male believers in heaven, according to the Quran. However, he seemed rather preoccupied with the geometry of certain elements of the women’s anatomy.

The boobs of heavenly virgins, he said, didn’t sag like those of their mortal counterparts, and were also different in shape.

Full breasted companions of equal age and temperament. Their breasts are prominent, they don’t hang like the breasts of earthly women. Equal to any age. The everlasting bliss will never end.



In classical Arabic Saleh’s tweet stresses the prominence of the virgin’s breasts, but the meaning was apparently lost on most 21st Century Twitter users. They opted for a more modern interpretation: that the boobs of heavenly virgins are cubed.

The apparent assertion of square mammaries elicited a cutting response across Twitter, under a hashtag meaning “the breasts of heavenly virgins are cubic”.


ht/ BigOwe

17 Comments on Homicide Bombers Looking Forward To Their Virgins’ Extraordinary Breasts

  1. You know, the so-called women’s right crowd make me sick. Not a peep out of them about this or anything else these islamopigs spout or about the way these civilization-destroying-pigs treat women. Their silence speaks volumes. They are just as bad as these allah-rats.

  2. @Jerry Manderin, I’m a Mormon and ‘celestial sex’ isn’t a big dinner time (or anytime) topic for us. Someone may be preoccupied with the subject, but it ain’t us!

  3. I can’t understand dislike of Mormons.
    I judge a religion based on the effect it has on it’s adherents.
    Religions, like Mormonism, that foster ideas and values that promote peaceful coexistence and civilized life are good.
    Religions that foster hatred and violence, like Islam, are bad.
    Religions that foster smug asshole attitudes, like atheism, are just annoying.

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