“Honey, I shrunk the exhibits!” – IOTW Report

“Honey, I shrunk the exhibits!”

Oxford museum removes shrunken heads, human remains
from display over racism concerns

Fox News – The Pitt Rivers Museum at the University of Oxford has removed its shrunken heads exhibit in an effort to “decolonize” its collections on display.

The museum, known as one of the world’s leading institutions for anthropology, ethnography and archaeology, had faced charges of racism and cultural insensitivity because it continued to display the items, The Associated Press reported. Museum director Laura Van Broekhoven told the outlet that visitors of the museum viewed the displays as “testament to other cultures being ‘savage’, ‘primitive’ or ‘gruesome’” and “reinforced racist and stereotypical thinking.”

Read the rest of the stupidity here.

h/t Ann Nonymous Prime

16 Comments on “Honey, I shrunk the exhibits!”

  1. ……as “testament to other cultures being ‘savage’, ‘primitive’ or ‘gruesome’”

    Some folks need to get ‘woked’, there are in fact other cultures that ARE savage, primitive or gruesome.

    To think otherwise is denying facts.

  2. But, but, but…but what about science?

    And who exactly were the racists that decapitated and MADE the shrunken heads to begin with???!

    They were COLLECTED as specimens…what a bunch of self serving assholes these cancel culture real racist Modernists are.


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