Honolulu Wants “The Stairway To Heaven” Removed – IOTW Report

Honolulu Wants “The Stairway To Heaven” Removed

Hawaii- Haiku Stairs [Pixabay]


Officials in Hawaii want a famed, off-limits stairway hike to be permanently closed.

The Honolulu City Council voted unanimously Wednesday to remove the Haiku Stairs, also known as the Stairway to Heaven, Hawaii Public Radio reports.

The popular trail has been officially closed for decades, but people often trespass to bypass security measures and access the hike.

The city council voted unanimously in support of a non-binding resolution that asks Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi to make the final decision to remove the stairway. More

More background about the Haiku stairs Here

16 Comments on Honolulu Wants “The Stairway To Heaven” Removed

  1. Sounds as though most of the taxpayer expenses are generated by enforcement. Open it up and request donations. Simple

  2. SO backwards. Put a gate/turnstile at the entrance. Sign a waiver, “there are no city/county/state people or facilities here in case you’re hurt. YOU pay for whatever rescue is sent to save yer ass. otherwise yer on yer own. sign here. aloha. have fun & be careful.” Pay an admission. Have ticket punched as you go thru the turnstile (souvenir). Tourists climb stairs. Tourists have fun – legally. City/county/state is absolved of responsibility if something happens, they make money, win-win-win.
    But that’s too easy, too common sense, puts the lawyers & politicians out of work (damn!)

  3. Amend waiver, “YOU or your estate will pay for whatever rescue is sent to save yer ass or recover your carcass.”

  4. And thatโ€™s where we are now. Nothing thrilling; nothing exhilarating. Everything must be perfectly safe and boring for everyone all of the time. We canโ€™t have anyone doing anything outside of the protective bubble now, can we?

  5. Mr. Ballen on Youtube had a story about these stairs. I believe it was listed under the heading “places you can’t go but people went anyway”. His stories don’t often end well for the subject.

  6. The land the stairway is built upon seems to be held in trust for the actual Hawaiian people. It was built by the navy in 1940 to access a radio station and it seems, after the war it was turned over to the Coast Guard who is tired of kicking trespassers off.

    Anyway, the trust doesn’t seem to have a position on the stairway, though I would imagine it would not object to its removal.


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