“Hope and Change” Goes Down the Drain – IOTW Report

“Hope and Change” Goes Down the Drain

NY Post

You can smell it in the air. A deep sense of betrayal among Democratic voters. 

An underlying realization that the Democratic party’s politburo — Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries, and their courtiers of elected official and consultant sycophants — sold voters a bill of goods: the gaslighting of the public on President Biden’s decrepitude; the false idol of the Kamala Harris “campaign of joy” as a smart last-minute stand-in; and the repeated cowering to the far left whose wokeness and moral condescension turns off most voters.   

In a just world, one might expect a formal no-confidence vote on this leadership failure. More

18 Comments on “Hope and Change” Goes Down the Drain

  1. Reminds me of the Irish epitaph, sometime in the future – O’bama is Irish, right?

    Remember me as you pass by
    As you are, so once was I.
    But as I am, so you will be
    So be content to follow me.

    To which someone added:

    To follow you I ‘d have to be bent
    If I only knew which way you went…
    Your legacy was as shallow as Michelle
    So I’m pretty sure you went to Hell!

  2. The filthy democrats sell false hope, and the only change that happens is the massively positive changes to their own bank accounts.

    Only a complete and utter fucking moron could believe anything the democrats say at this point.

  3. The one redeeming factor smart phones have is the younger generation doesn’t get their news from MSN. I’ve typed here before the amazing amount of young men that attend my gym wearing pro Trump Shirts. Or FJB shirts. I ran across such a youngster today not wearing them damn ear pieces. I told him, love your shirt, are you listening to Shawn Ryan? “No, who’s that”, whips out his cell phone. So I tell him who Ryan is. I then asked him, who are you listening to? Answer, “Joe Rogan”. The young man asked me who he should be listening too and I laid it on him. His fingers were busy. We touched a little bit on the recent bull shit terrorists attacks. I’m pretty damn confident he will spread this to his pals. That’s how we win this shit.

  4. This fucking maggot needs to be fully exposed, and now is the time: all his school records, his REAL birth certificates, “Michelle’s” REAL gender. Etc Etc Etc

  5. I have proof of the sea change. This Christmas day our daughter, born at the tail end of the Millenial era, proclaimed that we, her parents, were the original “cool”. I smiled and said, “Yes, we know”. Finally, the long-awaited epiphany of the young. She and her friends want to know who we listen to.

  6. Do you suppose Hunter was degenerate enough to hook up with Mooch?!

    I suppose even he may not have survived enough drugs to allow that.

    And yeah, I know, yuuuuck.

  7. Democratic “voters” are fundamentally brain-dead, lost sheeple looking for something to take the place of God in their meaningless lives. They lurch from liar to charlatan and back again in that relentless search – which is why they fall for every nonsensical hoax on the planet – Globaloney Warming, Wuhan Flu, White Superiority, DEI, Faggotry being OK, izlamicism, “gender” rather than sex, “Green” energy, &c. They oppose freedom of speech because it exposes their lies. They oppose the Second Amendment because an armed populace is more difficult to annihilate.
    I doubt that their “sense of betrayal” will last long.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. “Barack Obama was an immensely talented and often inspiring historic figure with his campaign of hope and change.”???? Wut? Pretty good article till I got to that! obunghole couldn’t orate without his tele.. and his campaign of hope and CHANGE is an effort to drive us into communism! Clean, well spoken negro HA! I suppose we should pray for him and his ilk.


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