Horowitz: Trump In Dimondale, MI “Lincolnesque” – IOTW Report

Horowitz: Trump In Dimondale, MI “Lincolnesque”

FPM:  Today in Dimondale Michigan, Donald Trump gave what was not only the best speech of his campaign but a speech that will one day be seen as a landmark in the emergence of a new Republican Party – a party finally returning to its roots as the party of Lincoln.


Dimondale audience picture Here

If there’s one thing Trump excels at it’s finding an opponent’s weakness and hammering away mercilessly once it’s been found.

43 Comments on Horowitz: Trump In Dimondale, MI “Lincolnesque”

  1. “America must reject the bigotry of Hillary Clinton who sees communities of color only as votes, not as human beings worthy of a better future.”

    Hillary’s resting at home, getting a blood replacement. Even if she is only resting up, she is not on the campaign train and can’t fire back at this truth. And, honestly, what can she say that won’t make the hole deeper.

  2. WOW.

    I looked at the whole photo gallery and liked what I saw. Blacks and whites coming together not only to embrace Trump, but also to reject self-dealing, money-grubbing, misanthropic, racist Hillary. Thousands of people packing a venue to make it look like a rush-hour IRT express subway car in New York City. People, including an older woman with a walker, lining up hours early to hear Trump speak.

    Beautiful, just beautiful.

    The LSM can take their fake-assed polls and stick them where the sun don’t shine. Trump is gonna CRUSH it on November 8.

  3. That is good or bad, depending on which Lincoln he is talking about. The made up legend, or the man who almost destroyed this country and killed over 700,000 US citizens among other things?

  4. As a Texan with occasional thoughts of secession, I kinda agree with JS on this one.

    It’s a permanent union with death as a penalty for trying to be independent again? You can choose in, but not out. Sounds like a street gang.

  5. Fairy tales, like that of Lincoln freeing the slaves, have a malicious purpose. I do not suffer them well.
    Conflating Trump and Lincoln is a back handed compliment at best.
    Barry Soetoro used Lincoln as a role model, and has been rather successful at it. He wasn’t able to deprive half the country of their rights, suspend the constitution, and shut down congress as Lincoln did, but not for lack of trying. Barry is vary close to having brother fighting brother though.

  6. JohnS
    I’m going to just call you Eeyore from now on. If iotw ever holds a Contrarian Contest, you will win in a landslide. The prize will be the book “The Power of Positive Thinking.”

    Good grief, such a wet blanket.

  7. Anyone who still feels Trump is not serious about winning the election or is just a shill to throw it to the Democrats is in deep denial.

    I really hate to use the h-word (hope) because I’ve had so little of it for the past 7.5 years, but Trump’s speeches and the photos/videos of the crowds at his events have fed a tiny glimmer of it that is getting bigger despite my best efforts to rein it in. In a sentence I never thought I’d write, but am dead serious about all the same, I think Donald Trump will be a good president and I’ll do whatever I can to see that he gets the chance to prove it.

    Trump/Pence 2016

  8. Ya, Lincoln sucks.
    When Horowitz says the speech was Lincolnesque I have to swoop in and make sure we get properly focused and pedantic and debate Lincoln for comment after comment for fear that Trump get any positive traction.
    -John S.

    What a fucking douchepuff.

  9. I’m going to start putting strike throughs on comments like John S’s.

    It won’t be CENSORSHIP!!!!!! but it will be my way of showing that I believe the comment to be trollish and I do not want it derailed from the intent of a contributor’s post.

  10. Dianny, so you noticed that I have been giving pet names to some of the people here and you feel left out.
    Shlabotnik pops into my head, I will give it some thought, I wouldn’t want you feeling insignificant.

  11. Gah! Fur, that’ a lot of work!

    Love it! Hell yes, it’s Lincolnesque! We’re living through a piece of American history, gang! Tomorrow’s historians will be writing about Trump’s big ‘pivot’ (haha!) and how America got it’s groove back.

    (Can you believe it?! I vacuumed my keyboard thi morning and ucked-up the ess. Now I have to go through all the dut and icky tuff in the vacuum cleaner bag to retrieve the tupid thing.)

  12. I have always held that Lincoln was not a good or honorable man. It has come up several times here, this has nothing to do with Trump other than that I view conflating him with Lincoln to be an insult of a very high order.
    That is why I brought up the comparisons (that I think are correct) between Soetoro and Lincoln.
    If Horowitz is trying to alienate southerners and those with more than a passing understanding of history, he is on target with this one.
    It was a bad comparison that he shouldn’t have made.
    Trump did nothing wrong here, and I am not faulting his actions, he has been doing quite well of late and I hope he keeps it up.
    Horowitz, on the other hand, tossed out what looks like an insult to those educated about the Civil War.
    If criticizing someone who is making Trump look bad gets disallowed here it will be a sea change for this site.

  13. The thing with you, JohnS, is that you think your writing is taken seriously. It’s not. “Alienate southerners and those with more than a passing understanding of history..”? lol.
    You are just plain bizarre. haha!

  14. Blacks hate Lincoln, it’s a well known fact. (where’s my “rolling eyes” emoji?)

    So, Horowitz has made a huge error.
    Blacks will hear that Trump made a “Lincolnesque” speech on their behalf and spit on the ground.

    C’mon dude, stop with the Cliff Clavin stupidity.

    Horowitz is clearly alluding to Trump’s speech being an ideological emancipation for blacks if they choose to take a different path.

    I’m not going to allow this to become a pedantic debate about THE REAL LINCOLN AND HIS MOTIVES AND WHAT THE CIVIL WAR REALLY WAS!!!!

    Mark Dice can’t get people to tell us who fought in the civil war.

    Ask these same people what Lincoln is famous for – “He freed the slaves.”

    Stop what you’re doing.
    This is about Trump’s great speech and how he is offering to free the slaves of progressivism.

  15. JohnS I suspect you’re posting for an audience of one. While you may be impressing yourself with what you believe is a well balanced and thoughtful commentary, it’s lost on your intended audience because no one here wants to read it. I have to question why you bother.

    Why don’t you stick to the non-political threads for a while till you build up a few TUs that indicate there are a few people actually looking at your post. On any thread related to Trump you have no following and that’s kind of sad.

  16. No president is/was perfect, and if you think that you can hold Lincoln responsible for the rape of the south, you’ve got another thing coming. One of the main ‘agitators’ that even kickstarted the civil war was the self righteousness of the north, we could have attempted gradually easing out of slavery over a couple of decades, so that the entire southern economy wouldn’t collapse (bc most of it was dependant on slave labor), but the northern senators wouldn’t even consider listening to the southern and accused the whole lot of them to be horrid, God hating racist scum. That’s what really ignited the war, Lincoln did his best, and trusted some generals he shouldn’t have perhaps, but what’s done is done. Abraham Lincoln was a great man, and one of our best presidents.
    (Do your research, remember history.)

  17. Fur, the people I know that don’t like Lincoln are white. The blacks I know are generally ambivalent about the guy. After all, he killed white people, not blacks. He didn’t free the slaves, but he didn’t stop congress from doing so. He is no hero to them, but he didn’t harm them either.
    The fact is that I didn’t bring up race in my response because it is not a factor. Even the civil war had no racial overtones until Lincoln injected them near the end. He only did that in a dark hour when the possibility of losing was weighing heavy on him so he made a pointless gesture of freeing the slaves he could not free (those in the south) while not freeing the slaves he was in a position to free (those in the north).
    Lincoln was a good orator, he was also a good liar. His background as an attorney helped as it did with Bill Clinton.
    In short, it is southern whites and educated people who view the comparison to Lincoln an insult.

  18. I just love that! We have our very own Cliff Clavin here at IOTWR
    JohnS, an unwiped ass who can fuck up a wet dream. Sorry JohnS but you can be real irritating. I’d rather stub my toe on the coffee table, which I just fucking did, than read any more of your shit.

  19. Tommy, “an unwiped ass who can fuck up a wet dream.”


    We really have to establish an unpublished writers’support group. I propose we meet at the Water’s Edge Bar, 1001 McLean Avenue in Yonkers (corner Bronx River Road).

    Irony, for nostalgia’s sake, you are welcome to come too. I will slip the bouncer a Jackson to pulverize JohnS if that lame-assed fool shows up.

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