Horrible Video Of Horrible Trump Era Border Agents Horribly Dumping Water Left in Desert For Illegals Is Footage From the OBAMA ERA – IOTW Report

Horrible Video Of Horrible Trump Era Border Agents Horribly Dumping Water Left in Desert For Illegals Is Footage From the OBAMA ERA

The MSLemming news sites are circulating this footage of heartless TRUMP border agents dumping water left in the desert for people coming to sneak over our border.

The lying media are deliberately obscuring the timestamp so that their moronic minions will spread outrage on social media, blaming Trump.

FAKE NEWS fools the ignorant left, once again.

POLITIFACT (A leftwing media watch group) – The 1 minute and 30 seconds video includes footage of Border Patrol agents kicking and emptying into the ground bottles of gallons of water. Timestamps for some of the clips in the video suggest they were recorded in 2011 and 2013.

“Watch U.S. border agents vandalize supplies left for migrants,” said text over footage of agents kicking gallons of water left on the ground. Another frame in the video shows an agent pouring out water from a bottle into the ground. Additional text in the video said humanitarian groups left water jugs in the Arizona desert “aiming to reduce deaths among migrants traveling along the U.S.-Mexico border.”

It’s important to remember that the footage is old, and that the Border Patrol in a statement condemned the actions.



7 Comments on Horrible Video Of Horrible Trump Era Border Agents Horribly Dumping Water Left in Desert For Illegals Is Footage From the OBAMA ERA

  1. Typical shitlibbery: Set up a situation which induces an illegal to put their life in danger, such as putting water in a known location in a desert Then if authorities break up the ploy, scream bloody murder.

    Easy enough to counter: Empty the water and put a note on the jug telling them where they can find water …. ie, that border patrol vehicle you passed a mile back

  2. All I saw was some nice BP officers picking up some plastic trash that polluting leftists had dumped in the desert. Aren’t SJW’s supposed to care about Mother Gaia??

  3. On some level it is good to know that Obama didn’t want them either. He was playing both ends against the middle.

    Innocents, as well as the guilty, died. ….Lady in Red

  4. I remember the hubbub about this when it happened. I missed the part where the media went all in blaming Obama for it. Of course, even though it happened during the golden times that were Obama, they still find a way to blame Trump today. Makes sense, huh?


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