NEW – Israeli Ministry of Health (right) recorded saying to the Minister of Interior (left) "there is no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport, it is only intended to pressure the unvaccinated to vaccinate"
— (@disclosetv) September 13, 2021
yep that's what he is saying.
— Gandalf (@shooshkebob) September 13, 2021
She "i think for restaurants outside you cant remove the vaccine passport"
— Gandalf (@shooshkebob) September 13, 2021
him "in swimming pools too, i agree, epidemiologically its true, the issue is, and ill be honest with you, are the people who don't get vaccinated, they need a little.. you know.."
more HERE
…is this why I’ve heard it said that Germany is the land where Israel learned how to govern?
…so when you say “Never Again”, you meant “Never Again may NON Jewish people do horrible things to Jewish people, but it’s OK as long as it’s in the family”…
…actually some precident for this. See 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles for a fuller explanation.
What did Herr Kissenger say back in ’09 about people paying for their own extermination? Somewhere in Hell, Hitler is laughing maniacally.
What is even sadder about this is a great majority of adults in Israel have gotten the jab, so they’re going for 100%. Soon they’ll just be holding them down jabbing them.
I have a bad feeling that Israel is going to have to do something drastic (ovens) to get rid of all of the bodies after all of the vaccinated people start dropping dead from the vaccines.
As if we didn’t already know that.
The engine which powers the corrupt and polluted who have dreamed up this vaxx is MONEY and their lust for it and is always the bottom line. Fauci and the rest of those lowlifes couldn’t give a dern about humanity and the ‘saving’ of populations.
How is 99%% of the world supposed to understand this?
Subtitles please..?/….